Council Meeting Highlights - February 26, 2025


2024 Speed Radar Results

Public Works & Engineering frequently receives calls from residents expressing concerns with road safety specifically around vehicle speeds. The use of mobile speed radar trailers is one way that PWE responds to these concerns. 

These trailers are circulated throughout the municipality based on requests from residents and planned construction. One of the features of the trailer is that they allow staff to access the speed data collected to review trends and share with law enforcement as appropriate. Staff received 33 requests for the speed radar trailers in 2024.

Data collected from the speed radar trailers show that the vast majority of municipal roadways operate in a manner consistent with the posted speed limit, as average speeds were generally below or close to the posted speed limit. 

It is worth noting that staff receive complaints regarding speed on County roadways, which are not under the operational jurisdiction of the municipality. Staff work collaboratively with the County and have provided the speed radar trailers on County roads as a tool to help promote appropriate driving speeds and behaviours.

2024 Customer Service Review

At the meeting, Council received Middlesex Centre’s customer service 2024 overview. 

Middlesex Centre receives tens of thousands of calls, emails and online requests each year for a wide range of customer service issues. 

These include paying bills, booking arena, parks and facilities, applying for planning and building permits, and reporting a concern about roads or facilities, among others. 

Customer service questions included in the budget survey found that 75% of respondents were satisfied with their most recent service interaction. Over 80% of Respondents found staff to be helpful and knowledgeable, and to have provided good quality customer service. Staff will continue to track customer service and deliver on the recommendations of the 2022 Customer Service Review throughout 2025.

In Brief

During the meeting, Council:

  • Received the budget to actual for January 2025, and procurement activities for 2024.
  • As part of the agreement with the YMCA of Southwestern Ontario in relation to the operation of the Komoka Wellness Centre, Middlesex Centre donates back a portion of any operational surplus revenue to the YMCA Strong Kids Program. Council received a report in regard to this donation for 2024, which amounted to $9,301.
  • Received a summary of public procurement processes held by Middlesex Centre in 2024.
  • Awarded several tenders and purchases, including: precast culverts to Coldstream Concrete Ltd. in the amount of $141,673; new hydro seeder to Fibramulch in the amount of $113,608; a new grader to Brandt in the amount of $678,873; and a new fire engine to Fort Gary in the amount of $692,104.
  • Received an update on activities related to the multi-year Fire Services Master Plan. Among the recommendations completed to-date is the development of a health and wellness program for Middlesex Centre firefighters. Other recommendations, such as the implementation of a new report management system, are underway, with the remaining to be undertaken in future years. 

Next Council Meeting

The next meeting of Middlesex Centre Council is set for Wednesday, March 12, 2025, at 9:30 a.m. Please note that council meetings will be held at the Ilderton Community Centre for the duration of the municipal office renovation.

For More Information

For more details on any of these items, see the full meeting agenda or contact the Municipal Clerk. You can view the meeting on YouTube.

Meeting highlights are prepared to give residents timely updates on council decisions. The Council Meeting Minutes are the official record of the meeting.