Thank-you to everyone that voted in the 2022 Municipal Election!
- Election Results
The certified election results can be found as an attachment at the bottom of this page.
Candidate Votes Outcome DeViet, Aina -- ACCLAIMED Deputy Mayor
Candidate Votes Outcome Brennan, John -- ACCLAIMED Ward 1 Councillor
Candidate Votes Outcome Coles, Jean 494 Heffernan, Debbie 615 ELECTED Spoiled and Declined 6 Total Ballots Cast: 1,115 Ward 2 Councillor
Candidate Votes Outcome McGhie, Brad 270 Shipley, Wayne 312 ELECTED Spoiled and Declined 2 Total Ballots Cast: 584 Ward 3 Councillor
Candidate Votes Outcome Aerts, Hugh -- ACCLAIMED Ward 4 Councillor
Candidate Votes Outcome Cates, Sue 903 ELECTED Mann, Lee 73 Spoiled and Declined 11 Total Ballots Cast: 987 Ward 5 Councillor
Candidate Votes Outcome Berze, Frank 483 ELECTED Scott, Brad 348 Spoiled and Declined 3 Total Ballots Cast: 834 School Board Trustees*
Trustee, Conseil scolaire Catholique Providence
Candidate Middlesex Centre Votes Board-Wide Votes Outcome Alary, Alexandre -- --
ACCLAIMED Trustee, Conseil scolaire Viamonde (unofficial)
Middlesex Centre Votes Board-Wide Votes Outcome O'Hara, David 7 405 ELECTED Vandermeer, Joseph 6 388 Spoiled and Declined 5 Total Ballots Cast: 18 Trustee, London District Catholic School Board (LDCSB)
Candidate Middlesex Centre Votes Board-Wide Votes Outcome Lamb, Josh -- -- ACCLAIMED Trustee, Thames Valley District School Board (TVDSB)
Candidate Middlesex Centre Votes Board-Wide Votes Outcome Cocksworth, William 754 5,251 Morell, Arlene 1,921 11,899 ELECTED Sachs, Christian 873 5,639 ELECTED Spoiled and Declined 765 Total Ballots Cast: 4,313 *School board elections for our region were run by the following municipalities:
- Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc: Thames Valley District School Board and London District Catholic School Board
- City of London: Trustee, Conseil scolaire Catholique Providence and Trustee, Conseil scolaire Viamonde
- Financial Reporting
Financial statements from candidates and registered third party advertisers in the 2022 municipal election are available on this page, as required under section 88(9.1) of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996.
- Filing Deadline
All candidates and registered third party advertisers must file their financial statement and auditor’s reports (if required) on or before March 31, 2023, at 2 p.m.
- Filing Grace Period
If a candidate does not file their financial statement by the deadline, they may file within 30 days after the deadline if they pay the municipality a $500 late filing fee.
This grace period ends at 2 p.m. on May 1, 2023. No nomination fees will be refunded to candidates who file during the 30 day grace period.
- Financial Statements
Name Candidate For Financial Statement Aina DeViet Mayor Financial Statement John Brennan Deputy Mayor Financial Statement Jean Coles Councillor, Ward 1 Financial Statement Debbie Heffernan Councillor, Ward 1 Financial Statement Brad McGhie Councillor, Ward 2 Financial Statement Wayne Shipley Councillor, Ward 2 Financial Statement Hugh Aerts Councillor, Ward 3 Financial Statement Sue Cates Councillor, Ward 4 Financial Statement Lee Mann Councillor, Ward 4 Frank Berze Councillor, Ward 5 Financial Statement Brad Scott Councillor, Ward 5 Financial Statement - Applying for a Compliance Audit
An eligible voter who believes that a candidate or registered third party advertiser has contravened the election campaign finance rules under the Municipal Elections Act may apply for a compliance audit of their campaign finances.
To apply for a compliance audit for a mayoral candidate, councillor candidate, or registered third party advertiser:
- Complete the Compliance Audit Request Form (attached at the bottom of this page).
- Submit the form and any supporting documents in person or by mail to the Middlesex Centre Municipal Office, attention to the Municipal Clerk.
- Note that the municipality must receive the compliance audit application by June 29, 2023.
The Compliance Audit Committee will consider the application and, if granted, will appoint an auditor to audit the campaign finances. The committee will consider the audit results and decide whether to commence legal action.
The municipality does not accept compliance audit applications for school board trustee candidates; these must be submitted to the relevant school board directly.
- Accessible Elections
Middlesex Centre is committed to ensuring municipal elections are accessible for all eligible voters.
- The municipality has an Accessibility Policy in place and established separate procedures surrounding accessibility for the election.
- The 2022 Municipal Election Accessibility Summary Report was presented to Middlesex Centre council at their January 11, 2023 meeting.
We welcome your feedback as to how we may improve accessibility for our voters and candidates in future elections.