
The Municipality of Middlesex Centre offers both marriage licences and civil wedding ceremony services.
Marriage Licences
Every marriage in Ontario requires a Marriage Licence before the ceremony takes place.
- Licences are issued at the municipal office from Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:00 pm.
- An appointment is required to obtain a marriage licence. To schedule an appointment, contact the Municipal Clerk.
- Be sure to read the following information to ensure you have the information when applying for a licence.
- Application
- A Marriage Licence Application form must be completed and signed by both parties to the marriage.
- The form must be submitted in person by the applicant and/or joint applicant with the appropriate documents.
- Fee
The fee for a marriage licence is $150. We can accept cash, debit, certified cheque, or money order (NO CREDIT).
- Age Requirements
- Applicants must be 18 years of age to obtain a licence.
- Applicants who are 16 or 17 years of age must have both parents' consent (or parent with custody of minor).
- No person under the age of 16 years may be married.
- Identification Requirements
- Two pieces of original identification are required for both applicants.
- One piece of identification MUST be a birth certificate, any change of name certificate, current passport, record of immigrant landing, Canadian Citizenship card or adoption papers.
- Second piece of identification MUST be photo identification (e.g. Driver's License).
- Canadian Divorce
- If a previous marriage was dissolved or annulled within Canada, the original or court certified copy of the Decree Absolute or Certificate of Divorce must be submitted.
- A divorce judgment is not acceptable.
- Certified copies may be obtained from the court which granted the divorce. Photocopies are not acceptable.
- All documents will be returned.
- Foreign Divorce
If a divorce was granted outside of Canada, additional forms must be completed. Please contact the Municipal Clerk for additional information.
Civil Ceremony / Weddings
- An officiant from the Municipality of Middlesex Centre can perform civil marriage ceremonies.
- The cost of an officiant to perform a ceremony is $325 (plus HST) during office hours.
- We also offer civic marriage ceremony renewal of vows for $50 (plus HST).
- For further information and/or to inquire about availability of an officiant, please contact the Municipal Clerk (Monday-Friday, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm).
- Credit cards are not accepted. Payments can be made by cash, debit or cheque.
Facility Rentals for Weddings
- If you are interested in booking a community centre or park for your wedding shower, ceremony or reception, please visit our facility booking page.
Marriage Certificate
Upon completion of a wedding ceremony, you can apply for your marriage certificate from the Registrar General through Service Ontario.
For Questions Contact:
Office of the Clerk *
Job Title
General Inquiries: Council Meetings, Commissioner of Oaths, Lottery, Marriage
Legislative Services / Clerk