Waste & Recycling

Picture of Blue water recycling association garbage truck

Household Waste and Recycling

Bluewater Recycling Association (BRA) provides curbside pick-up of household waste and recycling for residents of Middlesex Centre.

Collection Schedule

Both waste and recycling are picked-up weekly, on the same day.

Make sure that your containers are at the curb by 7:00 am on your collection day on your designated side of the street.

The collection truck needs room to pull up to your bins and then use the mechanical arm to swing them up to empty. Avoid parking on the street on collection day, and remove nets (hockey, basketball, etc.) from the road. If you leave basketball nets next to the road, turn them so the hoops do not hang over the roadway.

  • Collection Schedule and Map
  • If your collection falls on a holiday, collection will occur as scheduled, except for Christmas and New Year’s Day. On these days, collection may be rescheduled on an alternate day such as the Saturday in between.
  • If you have been missed, please report a missed collection to BRA. 
Collection Containers - Wheelie Bins
65 gallon BRA wheelie bin

Only waste and recycling in "Wheelie Bin" containers provided by BRA will be collected. 

Middlesex Centre has a user pay program for waste and recycling. Those who produce the least waste pay the least. This is an excellent opportunity for you to reduce, reuse and recycle as much as you can. Residents pay for the size of waste bin their household requires. 

Waste Wheelie Bins come in three sizes. The annual cost is associated with the size of wheelie bin you choose:

  • Small Bin: $132
    35 gallon or 120 litre capacity / dimensions 39" x 20" x 23"
  • Medium Bin: $246
    65 gallon or 240 litre capacity / dimensions 41" x 27" x 28"
  • Large Bin: $358
    95 gallon or 360 litre capacity / dimensions 45" x 29" x 34"

Recycling Wheelie Bins come in two sizes. There is no charge for these bins.

  • Medium Bin
    65 gallon or 240 litre capacity / dimensions 41" x 27" x 28"
  • Large Bin
    95 gallon or 360 litre capacity / dimensions 45" x 29" x 34

If you need to order new bins, want to change your bin size, or need to have your bin repaired, contact BRA.

Recycle Coach App

The Recycle Coach Web App allows you to see your personalized collection schedule, look-up how to properly and safely dispose of various items, and set reminders. 



Helpful Links and Contacts
  • To contact BRA: (519) 228-6678 or info@bra.org
    Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
    Dispatch Hours: Monday-Friday 6:30 am - 2:30 pm


Enviro Depots

Looking to get rid of unwanted appliances, furniture, electronics, yard waste, tires and more?  Visit one of Middlesex Centre's Enviro Depots.

Enviro Depot Locations and Hours

The Enviro Depots at the Denfield and Longwoods locations are open from spring to fall. Try Recycling operates year-round. 

Please note that proof of residency is required.

Denfield Rd. Enviro Depot

  • Location: 23053 Denfield Road (map)
  • Opening as of April 26, 2025.
  • Accepts: yard waste, e-waste, tires (must be off the rims), recycling, mixed construction and demolition waste, mixed solid waste, white goods, metal, large bulky items, household waste.
  • Note: No liquids (oils, paints, etc.) can be accepted at this location. Please bring them to the City of London Household Special Waste Depot (see below) or other approved drop-off locations.

Longwoods Rd. Enviro Depot

  • Location: 10191 Longwoods Road (map)
  • Opening as of April 26, 2025.
  • Accepts: yard waste, e-waste, tires (must be off the rims), recycling.
  • Note: No liquids (oils, paints, etc.) can be accepted at this location. Please bring them to the City of London Household Special Waste Depot (see below) or other approved drop-off locations.

Residents also have access to:

Try Recycling Depot

  • Location: 21463 Clarke Road (map)
  • Open: Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 5 pm and Saturday, 8:00 am – 12:00 noon; Operates year-round
  • Accepts: yard waste, e-waste, tires, mixed construction and demolition waste, white goods, metal, large bulky items
  • Please visit the Try Recycling Depot website before you visit for current hours and pricing.
Enviro Depot Fees
  • Enviro Depots only accept debit card transactions at this time - NO CASH or CREDIT CARDS.
  • Yard waste, e-waste, tires and recyclables disposal is free of charge.
  • There is a disposal fee for household garbage, large bulky items, and construction materials.
    • bagged residential garbage: $2/bag
    • appliances containing refrigerant: $35
    • minimum load fee of $25/car; $50/SUV, van, or trailer; $70/pick-up or single-axle
Materials Accepted at Enviro Depots

Appliances, Furniture and Bulky Household Waste

Middlesex Centre accepts appliances, furniture and bulky household waste at our Enviro Depots at Denfield and Try Recycling (Clarke Rd.).  Fees apply.

Construction and Demolition Waste

Middlesex Centre accepts construction and demolition waste at our Enviro Depots at Denfield and Try Recycling (Clarke Rd.). Fees apply.

Electronic Waste

Middlesex Centre accepts household e-waste like audio/video players, cameras, computers, printers and TVs, free-of-charge at our Enviro Depots. 

Bluewater Recycling Association also accepts e-waste where they breakdown the components and properly dispose of the electronics. Computers, monitors, laptops, printers, and TVs can be dropped off at their Huron Park facility during normal business hours free of charge. For more information contact them at 519-228-6678 or visit BRA's E-Waste Hub web page.


Middlesex Centre accepts household tires free-of-charge at our Enviro Depots. Tires are to be free of rims.

Yard Waste

Middlesex Centre accepts residential yard waste free-of-charge at our Enviro Depots. 

This includes plant materials, brush, limbs, grass clippings, leaves and pumpkins. The items must be less than 1 m in length and less than 10 cm in diameter.

Materials must be in paper bags or loose - no plastic bags will be accepted.



Household Hazardous Waste

Waste oils, chemicals, pesticides, batteries, medication, propane tanks, and other hazardous materials need to be disposed of safely to protect our water and our environment.

Household Hazardous Waste

Household Hazardous Waste is not accepted at the EnviroDepots.

Middlesex Centre residents may drop off hazardous household waste free-of-charge at the City of London's Household Special Waste Depot.

City of London - Household Special Waste Depot
3502 Manning Drive, London (map)
Hours: Open Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturday 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Closed Sundays and Statutory Holidays

Permitted hazardous waste include cleaners, batteries, medicine, compact florescent lights, vehicle fluids, paint, solvents, fertilizers, pesticides, propane tanks.  Please label your waste accordingly

For more information about this service, please visit the City of London - Household Special Waste page.


Return-to-Vendor Locations

Some materials such as batteries, electronics, tires and more can be returned to local businesses for safe disposal.

Where to Recycle Map

To find return-to-vendor locations near you, use the Resource Productivity & Recovery Authority's map and look-up tool:

Where to Recycle Map

We recommend you contact the company before heading out to confirm their hours of operation and that the specific item(s) you are looking to recycle are accepted at that location.


For Questions Contact: