In addition to coordinating council meetings and elections, the Office of the Clerk offers a number of legislative services.
- Request to Speak at a Council Meeting
Members of the public can request to speak at a meeting of Council by completing the Delegation Request Form or by submitting a request along with the reason and purpose of the delegation to the Clerk’s Office.
Please visit our Council Meetings page for information on meeting dates, past agendas, and other related items.
- Submit a Freedom of Information Request
The Municipal Clerk is responsible for Freedom of Information (FOI) requests and concerns regarding the privacy of personal information. Please see our Freedom of Information page for more details.
Freedom of Information Requests
- Schedule an Appointment with a Commissioner of Oaths
The Municipal Clerk acts as a Commissioner of Oaths in accordance with the Commissioners for Taking Affidavits Act and is available to commission or administer affidavits for certain documents.
There are a number of stipulations on the type of document which the Municipal Clerk is authorized to commission. Refer to the list below ensure your document can be commissioned at the municipal office.
There is a fee of $30.00 per document.
To book an appointment with a Commissioner of Oaths, please contact the municipal office or email the Clerk’s Office.
Note that when you come to the office for your appointment, you may be required to provide additional information depending on the type of document to be commissioned. Please ensure you have all documentation you are advised to bring to your appointment.
Commissioner of Oaths - List of Documents
Documents we CAN Commission Documents we CANNOT Commission Sworn statement for the transfer of a family gift of a used motor vehicle in the province of Ontario Notary Public Documents Domestic and foreign pension documents (proof of life) Certified true copies Legal name change forms Estate settlement documents, wills, certification of appointed estate trustee with will Amendment to birth, death, or marriage certificate Divorce, separation, marriage or cohabitation agreements Delayed statement of live birth Litigation guardian affidavit Immunization exemption forms Power of attorney Statutory declaration for OSAP - Statement of common-law status, supporting children Custody documents Statutory declaration of apprenticeship hours Documents involving debts or bankruptcy Statutory declaration of lost identification (must include police report number) Real estate related documents Ontario Rental Housing Tribunal - Applications Court, legal or civil issue related documents Affidavit of unregistered vehicle (boards, motorcycles, snowmobiles, trailers, etc.) Declaration of claimant and indemnity (bank form regarding estates) and replacement of shares Consent letter for children travelling abroad (as witness) Statement of arrears Tender documents Ontario Mortgage and Housing Corporation documents Affidavit of a lost cheque - Apply for a Marriage Licence or Book a Civil Ceremony
The Municipality of Middlesex Centre offers marriage licensing and civil marriage ceremony services. Please see our Marriages & Weddings page for more details.
- Apply for a Lottery Licence
The Alcohol and Gaming Commission (AGCO) is responsible for administering the lottery licensing program in the Province of Ontario. Municipalities are partners with AGCO in issuing lottery licenses to eligible organizations. Please see our Lottery Licences page for more details.
- Request a "Municipally Significant" Event Designation
In order to obtain approval for the sale and service of alcohol on special occasions and for events open to the public, the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) requires that you have a letter from the municipality deeming the event to be "municipally significant."
To apply for a "Municipally Significant" Event Designation
- Download, review and complete the Municipally Significant Event Designation Process and Form
- Submit your completed form to the Office of the Clerk
Note that a minimum of ten (10) business days are required for Middlesex Centre to process your request for designation as a municipally significant request. You then need to apply for your special occasions permit through AGCO, who will require additional time to review your application.
- Request a Special Event Flag Raising
Requests for community organization and/or special event flag raisings fall under the Middlesex Centre Flag Raising Guidelines.
To request a special event flag raising, mail or email the following information to the Office of the Clerk:
- Name of the requesting organization and contact information
- Requested event or occasion
- Date or time period of event or occasion
- Explanation or purpose of the event or occasion
- Description of the your organization including any local, national or international affiliation; brief history; and any other relevant information.
Please note that requests for flag raisings:
- will be considered on a first come first served basis
- must be submitted a minimum (7) business days prior to the requested date
Should the flag pole not be available on your chosen date you may be given the option of an alternate date.
The Mayor and/or Chief Administrative Officer will review submissions and have the authority to approve or deny the request.
Requests will not be approved for:
- organizations that espouse hatred, discrimination, violence, intolerance or racism
- political parties or organizations
- religious organizations or in celebration of religious events
- commercial entities
- any intent that is contrary to municipal policies or by-laws
- Request a Congratulatory Certificate
To request a congratulatory certificate for a significant birthday, anniversary or special event, please visit our Congratulatory Certificates page.