
Picture of a Middlesex Centre Plow

Middlesex Centre maintains more than 550 km of roads, 30 km of sidewalks, 49 bridges and 56 culverts. Our experienced staff is on the front line of safety and customer service through summer construction projects and winter salt, sand and plowing activities.

 Road Closures

For information on road closures and planned construction, please see Municipal 511. Whenever possible, information on emergency road closures is shared on Municipal 511 and via social media, and is posted on the website.

 Road Safety  - Vision Zero

Learn more about our commitment to road safety through the Middlesex Centre Vision Zero Program.

 Road Safety - Roundabouts

A roundabout is a circular intersection where traffic moves counterclockwise around a central island. Vehicles entering the roundabout yield to traffic already in the roundabout, and to pedestrians who may be crossing.

More and more roundabouts are coming to Middlesex Centre and our neighbourhing communities. We use roundabouts at select intersections as they improve:

  • Safety: Lower speeds and fewer conflict points reduce serious crashes.
  • Efficiency: Better handling of high left-turn volumes, leads to fewer stops and delays.
  • Eco-Friendly: Less idling reduces fuel use and emissions.
  • Cost-Effective: No traffic signals mean lower maintenance costs.
  • Aesthetics: Central islands can be landscaped.

Roundabout Basics


  1. Slow down and watch for lane usage signs, then position your vehicle in the appropriate lane for entering the roundabout (hint: it’s the same lane that you would choose for a regular intersection).
  2. Choose your lane and signal.
  3. Watch and yield for pedestrians at the pedestrian crossovers.
  4. Yield to traffic that’s already in the roundabout, and enter when the coast is clear.
  5. Stay in your lane and signal right when exiting.


  • If you’re walking near a roundabout, use the designated crossings and sidewalks or multi-use paths.
  • Never cross to the centre of the roundabout. Instead, travel on the designated sidewalk or multi-use path around the outside, crossing one direction of vehicle traffic at a time, and pausing on the pedestrian islands in between.
  • Always make sure drivers stop or there is a gap in traffic before you cross. If  the crossing is equipped with a push button, press it to activate the flashing beacons, and make eye contact with the driver to ensure they’ve seen you.


  • For confident cyclists, you can ride through the roundabout like a vehicle. Before entering the roundabout, carefully move into the centre of the appropriate travel lane. Stay in the middle of the traffic lane until you are ready to exit the roundabout and then signal so that others around you can see when you are ready to exit.
  • For a more comfortable experience, you can choose to ride or walk your bike around the outside of the roundabout. If bike lanes or multi-use paths are present, you can keep riding until the crosswalks, where you’ll need to walk your bike across. If there is only a sidewalk, you’ll have to walk your bike on the sidewalk and through the crosswalks.

The City of London has a good video explaining how to drive, walk and cycle through a roundabout. (Thanks to the City of London for sharing their roundabout information with us.)

You might also want to read the roundabout information in the Ontario Driver's Handbook: Roundabouts.

 Summer Road Maintenance

Summer is a busy time for the roads crew at Middlesex Centre. In addition to construction projects, staff complete a number of road maintenance tasks, including repairing potholes, grading gravel roads and gravel shoulders, sweeping streets and sidewalks, and ensuring street signs and bridges are in good repair. 

For more details, see our Summer Roads Maintenance Program Summary

Want to report a broken streetlight or other road/sidewalk repair issues ? Please send us an email or use our online report a concern form

Sidewalk and Streetlight Survey

In 2021, we asked residents for their thoughts on priority areas for sidewalks and streetlights in our urban communities. Over 500 people provided feedback (thank-you!), which is being incorporated into our infrastructure plans for the coming years.

Sidewalks & Streetlights in Middlesex Centre - Survey Results

Roadside Weed Spraying Program

Roadside weed spraying is contracted through the County of Middlesex.

During May and June the County of Middlesex sprays selected roads in Middlesex Centre.

Residents NOT wishing to have the roadway sprayed in front of their property should sign the area with a "NO SPRAY" notification.

Winter Road Maintenance

Middlesex Centre's winter road maintenance program aims to provide safe roads and sidewalks at an affordable price. The municipality has a well-equipped, 24/7 response team that maintains the roadways and sidewalks.

Video: Behind the Plow

After the snowfall ends, it can take 8 to 12 hours to clear priority roads, and 24 hours to clear all municipal roads. A larger or continuous snowfall event may extend the time necessary to clear snow from local streets and cul-de-sacs.

Sidewalks are cleared after more than 5 cm of snow accumulates. Sidewalk clearing is generally completed within 24 to 48 hours after the end of the storm;  however, when we have a heavy snowfall, or successive winter events back to back, it will take longer to clear all sidewalks. Sidewalks are cleared to a snow packed condition, as the snow equipment does not allow for clearing down to bare pavement.

For more information on winter road maintenance see our Frequently Asked Questions.

Want to report a damaged mail box or lawn? Please send us an email.

How can you help after a snow event?

  • Be patient. In heavy snowfalls it takes us longer to get all our roads cleared.
  • Be a good neighbour. Help those who may not be able to shovel their driveways and sidewalks.
  • Don't park on the street during a snowfall - or immediately following a snowfall if plowing is still needed. Also, please do not park your vehicle at the very end of a driveway or across the sidewalk/boulevard area. Plow operators are not able to do their job properly if there are parked vehicles in the way.
  • Keep a safe distance from plow trucks on the roads and do not attempt to pass. Vehicles attempting to pass create a safety risk for everyone on the road.
  • Don't place snow from sidewalks or driveways on the street. It creates a hazard for vehicles, and the Highway Traffic Act prohibits the placing of snow or ice on a roadway.
  • If you have a fire hydrant on or around their property, please clear the snow to ensure Middlesex Centre Fire Services can access the hydrant in case of emergency.
 Road Permits and Related Application Forms

Please note that you must download the forms to your desktop prior to completing them.

Road Entrance Permit Application Form

Road Occupancy Permit Application Form

Road Closure Request Application Form

Moving Permit (Transportation of Large Items) Application Form and Information about Moving Oversized Loads on Middlesex Centre Roads

Utilities Construction Request Form

Manure Pipeline Road Crossing Procedure and Sample Agreement

Owner-Initiated Local Improvements

Encroachment on Municipal Property or Right-of-Way Application Form

Wood Delivery Request Form

 Roads-Related Documents

 Summer Roads Maintenance Program

Winter Road Maintenance Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Middlesex Centre Winter Operations Plan

Ontario Regulation 239/02 - Minimum Maintenance Standards for Municipal Highways

Middlesex Centre Gravel Roads Conversion Policy



For Questions Contact: