Boards & Committees

Middlesex Centre Council appoints representatives to local boards and committees. The term for local boards and committees is November 2022 to November 30, 2026. For updated agendas and meeting dates, please see our Council Meetings page.

Advisory Committees

Cemetery Committee

Council Representatives: Councillor Jean Coles

Public Representation: Ken Cates, Karen Foster, Judy Legg, George Showler, Lorene Waugh

Description: The Cemetery Committee supports the municipality by facilitating the sale of burial plots at the Campbell Cemetery as well as supporting the care, maintenance and upkeep of existing historical cemeteries owned or managed by the municipality. Committee members work together to make recommendations regarding cemetery requirements in consultation with staff. The committee meets twice per year.

Youth Advisory Committee (YAC)

Council Representative: Councillor Sue Cates

Description: The Municipality of Middlesex Centre’s Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) will provide a meaningful and constructive voice for the youth of Middlesex Centre, while advising Council on important social, recreational, and lifestyle issues concerning the municipality’s younger population.

Community Services Advisory Committee (CSAC)

Council Representatives: Councillor Frank Berze, Councillor Wayne Shipley

Public Representatives:  Heather Greig, Shereen Miller, Margaret Gelinas, Michele Ivanouski, Vanessa Cullen, Danny Jeffries

Description: The Community Services Advisory Committee (CSAC) advises and assists the municipality in promoting recreation-based activities, in identifying capital requirements, and providing direction in terms of programs and services within the Community Services department.

Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC)

Council Representatives: Mayor Aina DeViet, Councillor Sue Cates, Councillor Jean Coles

Public Representatives: Carmelita Tang, Nadeem Shabbar, Nic Preston (representing the Komoka-Kilworth Business Association), Frank MacDonald, Kathy Nixey (representing the Ilderton & Area Business Association), and Valerie M'Garry 

Description: The Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC) works to enhance municipal economic development and sustainability efforts by providing strategic advice to council and senior staff. It promotes balanced, long-term economic growth that will benefit Middlesex Centre and its residents through the attraction, expansion and retention of businesses. Members will work collaboratively to explore economic development initiatives, ideas and opportunities. 

Liaison Committees/Boards

Bluewater Recycling Association (BRA)

Council Representative: Councillor Jean Coles

Description: The Bluewater Recycling Association (BRA) was founded by local municipalities as a non-profit corporation, which provides blue box recycling services. As a board director, the BRA board member works with the board in governing the association's affairs through the development, approval and evaluation of policy. As a committee member, the director provides planning and implementation services to the board. The director acts on the board's behalf within the board motions and policy guidelines.

Southwest Middlesex Health Centre Board (SMHC)

Public Representatives: Jennifer Jackson; Nicole Vanderhoeff

Description: The Southwest Middlesex Health Centre (SMHC) is part of the Thames Valley Family Health Team and a Regional Teaching Site for the Department of Family Medicine, Schulich School of Medicine, Western University. They serve patients from Mount Brydges, Delaware, Komoka and their surrounding areas as well as the First Nations communities of Oneida, Muncey, and Chippewa.

The board of directors provides strategic oversight to the staff and team at the health centre and acts as a governing body to make decisions impacting the operation and budget of the clinic. Board members also review partnerships with the above noted teaching institutions. Membership to the board of directors coincides with the term of office for municipal councils. 

Middlesex Centre Regional Medical Board of Directors

Council Representatives: Mayor Aina DeViet, Deputy Mayor John Brennan

Public Representative: Heather Mastromattei

Description: Middlesex Centre Family Medicine Clinic, located in the Middlesex Centre Regional Medical Clinic (MCRMC) is situated in Ilderton, Ontario. The family practice medical clinic opened in June 2010 and is staffed by six physicians, all of which are affiliated with the Department of Family Medicine at Western University.

Each of the four clinic teams consist of a staff physician, registered practical nurse, two residents and one student. As well as being a teaching site, the medical clinic is also affiliated with the Thames Valley Family Health Team with on-site access to a social worker, registered nurse, pharmacist, respiratory therapist, dietitian, and occupational therapist.

Green Lane Landfill Public Liaison Committee

Public Representative: Councillor Hugh Aerts

Description: The Green Lane Landfill is a landfill in Southwold, Ontario, Canada, southwest of London. It is owned and operated by the City of Toronto as Toronto’s main landfill, located 200 kilometres west of the city.

Joint Board of Management for the Lake Huron Primary Water Supply System

Council Representative: Mayor Aina DeViet

Alternate Council Representative: Deputy Mayor John Brennan

Description: The Lake Huron Primary Water Supply System services the municipalities of London, Lambton Shores, North Middlesex, South Huron, Bluewater, Middlesex Centre, Lucan-Biddulph, and Strathroy-Caradoc from a water treatment plant located north of the village of Grand Bend in South Huron. The plant has a current treatment capacity of 340 million litres per day (75 Million Imperial gallons per day) and serves a population of 375,000 people.

Middlesex OPP Detachment Board

Council Representative: Deputy Mayor John Brennan

Description: The Middlesex OPP Detachment Board provides independent civilian oversight of the local OPP detachment.

Conservation Authorities

Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority Board (ABCA)

Council Representative: Councillor Wayne Shipley

Description: The watersheds of Ausable Bayfield Conservation (ABCA) are located in Southwestern Ontario bordering the southeast shores of Lake Huron. The 2,440-square-kilometre Ausable Bayfield watershed area is largely rural with a population of 45,000. Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA) is an independent, corporate body established, in 1946, under the Conservation Authorities Act in Ontario, thanks to the vision of local municipalities and the need for programs to be delivered on a watershed basis.

Municipalities in the Ausable River watershed formed the Ausable River Conservation Authority (ARCA) in 1946 to deal with serious problems of local flooding, soil erosion, abitat loss, water supply, and water quality.

Upper Thames River Conservation Authority Board (UTRCA)

Council Representative: Councillor Jean Coles

Description: The 17 municipalities within the upper Thames watershed appoint representatives to the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA)’s Board of Directors, consistent with the board membership established by the 1993 Order in Council. The members represent the local urban and rural communities, deciding policies and programs that will lead to a healthy watershed.

St. Clair Region Conservation Authority Board (SCRCA)

Council Representative: Councillor Sue Cates

Description: The St. Clair Region Conservation Authority (SCRCA) is a non-share corporation, established under Section 3 of the Conservation Authorities Act, with the objects to provide, in the area over which it has jurisdiction, programs and services designed to further conservation, restoration, development and management of natural resources other than gas, coal and minerals.

Under the Act, municipalities within a common watershed are enabled to petition the province to establish a conservation authority. The purpose of the Act is to provide for the organization and delivery of programs and services that further the conservation, restoration, development and management of natural resources in the watersheds in Ontario. The Authority is comprised of 17 members, appointed as representatives by the participating municipalities, in keeping with the 1974 Order in Council.

Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority Board (LTVCA)

Council Representative: Councillor Hugh Aerts

Description: Policy and budget decisions are made by a Board comprised of 12 members appointed by our 10 municipal partners. The number of representatives appointed as members of the Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority (LTVCA) Board of Directors are based on population as outlined in subsection 2(2) of the Conservation Authorities Act. One director represents each municipality, except for Chatham – Kent, which has three. Directors are appointed for a maximum three year term and can be reappointed.

Kettle Creek Conservation Authority Board (KCCA)

Council Representative: Councillor Frank Berze

Description: Kettle Creek Conservation Authority (KCCA) is governed by a 10-member Board of Directors who are appointed by KCCA’s municipal partners within the Kettle Creek watershed. Representation on the board is based on population of the municipality within the watershed. Board members are appointed for a four-year term, following each municipal election. Board members authorize KCCA’s programs and policies, which staff are responsible for implementing.

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