Middlesex Centre's rural heritage and natural setting make it a perfect place to spend a day. From golfing to visiting area farmer's markets to splashing at neighbourhood parks, Middlesex Centre offers some amazing outdoor experiences. If dining and spas are more your thing, we have those too - there's something for everyone to enjoy in Middlesex Centre!
Below you'll find just a sampling of what we have to offer. Check out Visit Middlesex for links to all the great recreational opportunities in our area.
- Shop & Dine
Middlesex Centre and the surrounding County of Middlesex offer a wide variety of experiences, shops, and eateries.
- Explore local shopping, dining and more at Visit Middlesex.
- Visit Invest in Middlesex for a searchable list local businesses and industries.
- Visit Shop Del-Ko-Brydge for local shops and services in the Delaware-Komoka area.
- Events & Festivals
To stay up to date on local events - visit our events page!
Ilderton Fair
One of the best fall fairs in Southwestern Ontario. A fall ritual for many residents and draws people from miles around. Far from Ordinary - Close to Home! Typically held at the end of September.
Ilderton Fair (Ilderton Agricultural Society) Facebook Page
Tri-County Heritage & Antique Show
The Tri-County Heritage Club's Heritage & Antique Show is held annually on the second full weekend in July. The attractions include antique automobiles and tractors, gasoline and steam engines, parade, jamboree music and a "just for fun" tractor pull.
Tri-County Heritage & Antique Show Facebook Page
Del-Ko-Brydge Canada Day Celebrations
Held July 1st in one of three local communities - Delaware, Komoka, & Mount Brydges. A spectacular annual event which includes breakfast, parades, and many family-friendly events throughout the day...and of course a fireworks display to celebrate Canada!
Del-Ko-Brydge Canada Day Facebook Page
Poplar Hill Picnic
Founded in 1867! There is a reason this event has last through the ages - great food, great kid-focused activities, and an amazing community and setting to celebrate it in. Generally held the first weekend in June.
Poplar Hill Picnic Facebook Page
- Destinations
McLachlan Brothers - Maple Syrup & Pancake House
10279 Lamont Dr., RR4, Komoka
Phone: 519-666-1846
www.mclachlansyrup.caThe McLachlan Brothers Maple Syrup & Pancake House is family owned and operated dating back to 1842. Open seasonally from the last weekend in February to the beginning of April, you can enjoy the quaint restaurant, learn the evolution of maple syrup development and observe the entire process from sap to syrup.
Rolling Ridge Maple Products
22681 Vanneck Rd, Ilderton, ON, N0M 2A0
Phone: 519-666-3257
www.rollingridgemapleproducts.caFrom their website:
"Rolling Ridge Maple Products is a family owned and operated business by 3 generations of Robson's which are dedicated to providing consumers with the first taste of spring year round.
We first made syrup on our home farm over 50 years ago gathering sap from about 25 trees and boiling it down in an old iron kettle. Today we have over 15000 taps all gathered by vacuum tubing with the sap processed using reverse osmosis and an oil-fired evaporator.
The "sugar shanty" is located just west of Ilderton on the corner of Ilderton and Vanneck Road. Come take a look for yourself and see how it's made on one of our family guided tours. Have a sample of our great tasting syrup and you'll see how we've become the most popular syrup in the London area."
Delaware Speedway
1640 Gideon Drive, Delaware, ON, N0L 1E0
Phone: 519-652-5068
www.delawarespeedway.comDelaware Speedway is a half-mile paved oval stock-car track, located just west of London, Ontario, Canada. For more than 55 years, Delaware Speedway has been the home to some of the finest stock car racing in Canada. Its unique natural amphitheatre-like setting allows a family or group of friends to enjoy an exciting, comfortable and affordable evening or afternoon of entertainment.
Arva Flour Mill
2042 Elgin Street, Arva, ON, N0M 1C0
Phone: 519-660-0199 or 1-877-630-2296 (Toll Free)
www.arvaflourmill.comArva Flour Mill, located in the quaint village of Arva, Ontario, was built in 1819 on the banks of the Medway Creek. It is Canada's oldest continuously operating water powered flour mill and perhaps the oldest in North America.
Today when you visit, the constant whir of the water powered turbines reminds you that this is not just another pretty and obsolete old mill. For the most part, it operates virtually the same way it did in the early part of the previous century, with half the mill still running on water power; the rest on electricity.
Circle R Ranch
3017 Carriage Rd., RR1, Delaware
Phone: 877-844-8738
www.circlerranch.caThis traditional camp allows campers to ride every day, fostering friendships, interaction with animals, and challenging programs to promote self-esteem, personal growth and skill development in a physically and emotionally safe environment. Some of the features of the Circle R Ranch include:
- Horseback riding lessons
- Hay rides & sleigh rides
- Trail riding
- Day camps
- School and group activities
- Museums & Archives
Komoka Railway Museum
131 Queen St, Komoka, ON, N0L 1R0 (Komoka Park)
Phone: 519-657-1912
komokarailmuseum.caLocated at the former Canadian National Railway station in Komoka, the Komoka Railway Museum preserves the history of the railroad in our community.
- Major exhibits at the museum include the Komoka CN Rail Station (built 1912) and a restored 1913 Shay steam locomotive. Also on display are a CN Baggage Car (pre-1939), a Grand Trunk Railway Caboose, and a replica of the Longwoods flagstop station.
- The museum boasts a number of railroad artifacts, including uniforms, telegraph equipment, signal lanterns and a three-wheel velocipede.
- Visitors are welcome to browse through the museum’s extensive library of books, photos, blueprints and newspaper clippings.
Middlesex Centre Archives
2652 Gideon Dr., Delaware, ON, N0L 1E0 (Delware Community Centre)
Phone: 519-518-5590
middlesexcentrearchive.caThe Middlesex Centre Archives is a growing municipal archive dedicated to collecting and protecting the documentary heritage of our community.
Volunteers with the archives host numerous presentations, workshops and displays each year to promote the archives and its work, and to highlight the history of our region. They also help visitors research historic information about people and organizations in Middlesex Centre.
For information on operating hours, contributing materials to the archives, and/or becoming an member or volunteering with the archives, please visit their website.
- Natural Attractions
Being a largely rural municipality, Middlesex Centre offers many scenic natural attractions for residents and visitors alike. From hiking trails to conservation areas, the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors is yours.
Trails Guide
Looking for your next outdoor adventure? Check the Middlesex County Trails Guide for regional hiking, biking, boating and winter sport locations.
Komoka Provincial Park
This provincial park straddles the municipal boundaries of the City of London and Municipality of Middlesex Centre. Land acquisition began in the early 1970s, and 198 hectares were regulated in 1989 under the former Provincial Parks Act. The park protects a portion of the Thames River, a Canadian Heritage River in addition to significant natural heritage features including species at risk.
The park provides low-intensity, self-interpretive day-use recreational opportunities for visitors, including hiking and nature appreciation, wildlife viewing, and photography.
The park's trail system is accessible year round and is considered a near-urban provincial park. Users can experience nature and sense of solitude minutes from their homes. In addition, the park protects significant natural heritage resources in a highly developed area of the province for the benefit of future generations. The park is important to local residents and visitors as it is an easily accessible space that provides high quality outdoor recreation opportunities.
Delaware Conservation Area
2695 Gideon Drive, Delaware
Delaware Conservation Area is used for fishing and canoe access to the Thames River. The land is a flat floodplain planted with tallgrass prairie, with some mature trees. The conservation area is open for day use year-round.
Lower Thames Conservation Authority
Sharon Creek Conservation Area
Springer Rd, Delaware, Ontario
Sharon Creek Conservation Area has 35.6 hectares of water and 12.9 hectares of forest, grassland, wooded ravines, a small wetland and a tallgrass prairie.
Picnicking, birdwatching, hiking, fishing and canoeing are enjoyed by many visitors. Conservation-oriented group camping is available by reservation only. Call for reservations 519-264-2420. Swimming in the reservoir is unsupervised.
Lower Thames Conservation Authority
Coldstream Conservation Area
Quaker Lane, Poplar Hill/Coldstream, Ontario
Coldstream Conservation Area is near the bend of the Sydenham River and includes cold springs which feed an old cedar swamp and the river itself. The site contains a Class I provincially significant wetland, reservoir, floodplain woods, a re-vegetated gravel pit and an upland deciduous woodlot as well as a day use area, playground, and soccer field. Wildflowers are plentiful in all areas.
The Coldstream Conservation Area has two trails - the trail in the south end of the Conservation Area takes you through a cedar swamp, a rare experience in Southwestern Ontario. The trail north of Coldstream Road is a wonderful place for spring wildflowers and birds.
St. Clair Region Conservation Authority
The Thames River has approximately 94 species of fish mainly due to the fact that it provides a range of habitats, favorable climate, nutrient-rich waters and a connection with the Great Lakes. The Thames River is relatively wide that is slow moving, deep with infrequent fast flowing shallow sections that many fish such as Walleye, White Bass and Small Mouth Bass prefer.
Upper Thames River Conservation Authority
Lower Thames River Conservation Authority
St. Clair Region Conservation Authority
- Farmers Markets
Ilderton Farmers Market (Seasonal)
Best Little Market Around!
Local Produce, Meats, Cheese, Wines, Baked Goods
Live musicians, kids activities, hot food and more!
Saturday Mornings, 9 am - 12 noon
Community Bible Church Parking Lot, 100 Meadowcreek Dr., IldertonIlderton Farmer's Market Facebook Page
Komoka Community Market (Seasonal)
Local family farms, artisans, and small businesses come together to make buying local a very real option for families. Located next to the splash pad and library, this is a great weekly event for every age group. Most importantly, it adds to the vibrancy and sustainability of our community. Come check out the a variety of options for fresh food, artisanal goods, and weekly live music!
Saturday Mornings, 9 am - 12 noon
Komoka Wellness Centre Parking Lot, 1 Tunks Lane, Komoka - Golf Courses
The picturesque rural landscape of Middlesex Centre provides the perfect opportunity for a golf day. Middlesex Centre boasts a number of beautifully manicured courses for golfers with varied abilities. You'll find a course that will challenge and entertain you whether or not you are an avid participant or weekend warrior.
Public Courses
Hickory Ridge Golf and Country Club
3425 Woodhull Rd Lambeth, ON, N6P 1P2
Phone: 519-652-0407
www.hickoryridge.caEcho Valley Golf Club
2738 Brigham Rd. London, ON, N6P 1P2
Phone: 519-472-2760
www.echovalleygolfclub.comOxbow Glen Golf Club
10761 Oxbow Drive Komoka, ON N0L 1R0
Phone: 519-471-2048
www.oxbowglengolf.comFirerock Golf Club
10345 Oxbow Dr Komoka, ON N0L 1R0
Phone: 519-471-FIRE (3473)
Toll-Free: 1-866-241-4440
www.firerockgolf.comLlyndinshire Golf & Country Club
14983 Medway Rd. Arva, ON, N0M 1C0
Phone: 519-659-5087
www.llyndinshire.comTwin Streams Golf & Country Club
3481 Carriage Road Delaware, ON, N0L 1E0
Phone: 519-652-5211
www.twinstreamsgolf.comPrivate Courses
The Oaks Golf Club
1552 Gideon Drive Delaware, ON, N0L 1E0
Phone: 519-652-1760
www.oaksgolf.comWest Haven Golf & Country Club
7038 Egremont Drive London, ON, N6H 5L2
Phone: 519-641-2519