If you would like to meet with planning staff, please schedule an appointment as no walk-in services are available at this time.
Planning Documents
- Official Plan
- Zoning By-Law
- Zoning Information on County GIS
- Urban Design Guidelines
- Site Plan Manual
- List of Heritage Properties in Middlesex Centre
- Community Improvement Plan
Planning Applications
- Consent to Sever (Severance)
This process pertains to an application for consent pursuant to Section 53 of the Planning Act
- Please see our 1-page What is a Consent? guide for an overview of the consent to sever application process.
- If you are looking to sever a surplus farm dwelling property, please see our Surplus Farm Dwelling Severance guide.
Apply for a Consent / Severance
- Middlesex Centre uses an online system called Cloudpermit for planning applications.
- Cloudpermit allows you to apply for and to see the status of your application anywhere, at any time. You can start an application and finish it later, and receive email updates on the status of your permit application. It also keeps all the documents and communications related to your application in one place.
- Instructions on using the Cloudpermit System can be found below.
- A processing fee of $1,900 and $850 for each additional application on the same lot applies.
- If you are unable to apply online, hard copy submissions will be accepted at the municipal office. You must submit an application, the required sketch and processing fee.
- Minor Variance
This process pertains to an application for minor variance pursuant to Section 45 of the Planning Act
- Please see our 1-page What is a Minor Variance guide for an overview of the minor variance application process.
Apply for a Minor Variance
- Middlesex Centre uses an online system called Cloudpermit for planning applications.
- Cloudpermit allows you to apply for and to see the status of your application anywhere, at any time. You can start an application and finish it later, and receive email updates on the status of your permit application. It also keeps all the documents and communications related to your application in one place.
- Instructions on using the Cloudpermit System can be found below.
- An application fee of $1,300 applies.
- If you are unable to apply online, hard copy submissions will be accepted at the municipal office. You must submit an application, the required sketch and processing fee.
- Zoning By-Law Amendment
This process pertains to an application for zoning by-law amendment pursuant to Section 34 of the Planning Act
- Please see our 1-page What is a Zoning By-law Amendment guide for an overview of the zoning by-law amendment application process.
Apply for a Zoning By-law Amendment
- Middlesex Centre uses an online system called Cloudpermit for planning applications.
- Cloudpermit allows you to apply for and to see the status of your application anywhere, at any time. You can start an application and finish it later, and receive email updates on the status of your permit application. It also keeps all the documents and communications related to your application in one place.
- Instructions on using the Cloudpermit System can be found below.
- An application fee of $3,300 applies.
- Please use the hard copy application method for temporary use by-laws, including renewals.
Zoning By-law Amendment Application
- If you are unable to apply online, hard copy submissions will be accepted at the municipal office. You must submit an application, the required sketch and processing fee.
- Site Plan Approval Application
This process pertains to an application for site plan approval pursuant to Section 41 of the Planning Act
- Please see our 1-page What is a Site Plan Approval guide for an overview of the site plan approval application process.
Apply for Site Plan Approval
- Middlesex Centre uses an online system called Cloudpermit for planning applications.
- Cloudpermit allows you to apply for and to see the status of your application anywhere, at any time. You can start an application and finish it later, and receive email updates on the status of your permit application. It also keeps all the documents and communications related to your application in one place.
- Instructions on using the Cloudpermit System can be found below.
- An application fee of $2,000 (or $1,000 for an amendment to an existing agreement) applies.
Site Plan Approval Application
- If you are unable to apply online, hard copy submissions will be accepted at the municipal office. You must submit an application including one (1) copy of the site plan submission package detailing the requirements of Section 15 of this application and the processing fee. Please also note that the Municipality requires an electronic submission of all drawings that form part of the application.
- Official Plan Amendment
This process pertains to an application for official plan amendment pursuant to Section 22 of the Planning Act
- Please see our 1-page What is an Official Plan Amendment guide for an overview of the official plan amendment application process.
Apply for an Official Plan Amendment
- Prior to the Municipality processing the application, it is required that a copy of the attached application form be completed including the processing fee of $4,320.
- At this time, applications for municipal Official Plan Amendments must be completed using a paper form.
- Instructions for an Official Plan Amendment process are included on the first two pages of the application.
- Plan of Subdivision
This process pertains to an application for plan of subdivision/condominium pursuant to Section 51 of the Planning Act
- Please see our 1-page What is a Plan of Subdivision/Condominium guide for an overview of the application process.
Apply for a Plan of Subdivision
- This application form is to be used when submitted a proposed plan of subdivision or condominium to the County of Middlesex as the Approval Authority. You can find the form and additional information on the County website.
- The County encourages those considering making an application to pre-consult.
- The County will organize and host a pre-consultation meeting where an applicant has an opportunity to discuss a proposal with staff from the County, the local municipality and affected agencies.
- At this time, applications for Plans of Subdivision must be completed using a paper form.
Plan of Subdivision/Condominium Application
(also required Declaration regarding Municipal Costs)
Help with your Application
- Using Cloudpermit
Middlesex Centre uses a web-based system called Cloudpermit for most planning applications. Through Cloudpermit you can apply for and see the status of your planning application anywhere, at anytime. In addition, you can start an application and finish it later, you can receive email updates on the status of your application, and a record of all documents will be retained for reference.
Currently, the following application types are being accepted on Cloudpermit:
- Consent to Sever (Severance)
- Minor Variance
- Site Plan Approval
- Zoning By-law Amendments
How to Create Cloudpermit Account
To get started with Cloudpermit, you need to first create an account. You will need an email address to use the system.
- Go to the Cloudpermit website.
- Click on “CREATE NOW” found under the Register for an account column.
- Provide your email address.
- Cloudpermit will send an email to the address you have provided.
- Open the email and complete the registration process. Note this email is only valid for 24 hours.
- The next time you visit the site, you’ll login using your email and password.
How to Start a New Application
To start a new application:
- Login to Cloudpermit.
- Click Create a New Application in your dashboard.
- Give a name for your application that includes the property address and type of application, for example "123 Walnut Street Minor Variance," and click Next.
- Select Province and Municipality from the drop-down menus in Location for the application section.
- Enter the property's address or a roll number to find your property. You can also click and drag with a mouse on the interactive map with GIS to search for the property on the map.
- Select Planning approval for the application type.
- Select Category, Scope, and Proposed Use. Some applications may not include the selection of scope and proposed use. Then click Next.
- In the Summary, select if you are the applicant or agent, then click Finish & Create.
- Follow the pre-consultation meeting instructions.
How to Sign-Off on the Application
The Agent Authorization Form, if applicable, is to be filled out and signed by the registered owner(s) of the subject lands. This document must be downloaded, completed and signed (pdf or print/scan), and uploaded onto Cloudpermit.
The Municipal Costs Form is to be filled out and signed by the registered owner(s) of the subject lands. This document must be downloaded, completed and signed (pdf or print/scan), and uploaded onto Cloudpermit.
The Statutory Declaration Form must be filled out and signed either by the authorized agent, if applicable, or the registered owner(s) of the subject lands under the witness of a Commissioner of Oaths. This document must be downloaded, printed, signed and witnessed, and uploaded onto Cloudpermit. If you require a qualified individual to witness the signature(s), please contact the municipal office to schedule an appointment.
Additional Support for Cloudpermit
For any additional assistance and troubleshooting on Cloudpermit, visit the applicant user guide page.
If you still require assistance, log into your Cloudpermit account, click “Support” found at the top right of the page, and submit a ticket.
- Submitting a Payment
Payment for planning applications may be made:
- by mail (cheque only)
- In person by cash,
- cheque or debit at your financial institution - internet or telephone banking
- online by credit card
Details on making a payment can be found on our Billing & Payments page under Other Bills.
Planning application fees can be found on “Schedule E” of the Fee By-law. If there is a discrepancy between this page and the Fee By-law, the by-law will prevail.
Please note that payment will not be processed until the application has been deemed complete by the municipality.
Official Plan Review
An Official Plan is a legal document containing goals, objectives and policies to guide land use, development and growth in a municipality.
Middlesex Centre is undertaking a review of our Official Plan. See our Official Plan Review page to learn more.
Related Links
Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing (MMAH) - Land Use Planning
Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing (MMAH) - Provincial Planning Statement
Tribunals Ontario (combining the former Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT), Environmental Review Tribunal, Board of Negotiation, Conservation Review Board, the Mining and Lands Tribunal, and the Assessment Review Board)
Middlesex County Planning Services