Bids & Tenders

Bid Opportunities

Competitive Procurement

Middlesex Centre bids and tenders are advertised on bids&tenders, an electronic platform that manages procurement processes.

View current opportunities on bids&tenders

bids&tenders requires a paid account to submit bids and receive notifications on new opportunities. Suppliers interested in doing business with Middlesex Centre should visit the bids&tenders website for more information. Note it is the responsibility of bidders to understand terms and conditions outlined in the procurement documents prior to submitting a bid.

Unsolicited Offers

In general, Middlesex Centre does not accept unsolicited offers or sales calls. Unsolicited proposals will not be accepted by the municipality unless it can be demonstrated that there is a significant benefit.

Group Purchasing Associations

Public notice as required by the Canadian Free Trade Agreement: The Municipality of Middlesex Centre intends to participate in one or more procurements conducted by the following cooperative buying groups:


Information for Vendors

Purchasing Regulations

Our Procurement Policy outlines the policies and procedures related to purchasing goods and services. Bidders must comply with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (see below) and requirements of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board. Bidders must provide an insurance certificate (see below), have a health and safety program, and agree to comply with the municipality's Respect in the Workplace Policy. Additional requirements are outlined in the Standard Terms and Conditions for Procurement and in the terms of any specific procurement process.

Insurance Certificates

Individuals and organizations who supply goods or services to the municipality are required to provide evidence of insurance as part of the terms and conditions of the contract, permit, license or other form of agreement.  

The minimum acceptable per-occurrence limit required for comprehensive general liability is $5,000,000. Please refer to the contract as requirements may vary. 

If you have any questions regarding insurance certificates, please contact the Purchasing Designate as outlined in the bids & tenders posting.

Commitment to Accessibility

We are committed to preventing and removing barriers to accessing goods and services for persons with disabilities. We are bound by the standards under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act.

Regulations enacted under the Act apply to all designated public sector organizations and third parties providing goods and services to members of the public on behalf of the Municipality of Middlesex Centre.

Consultants or contractors, their employees and all sub-contractors hired by the consultants or contractors to complete their work, must meet or exceed compliance with all applicable regulations under the Act.


List of Intended Procurement

A list of intended procurement for the year is attached at the bottom of this page to assist vendors who may wish to bid on projects with Middlesex Centre.


Surplus Equipment, Vehicles and Property

Middlesex Centre's surplus equipment and vehicles are advertised on the GovDeals website and/or may be auctioned through local auction (Filson Auctions).

Currently available surplus property is listed on the website under Surplus Property.