Speed Radar Study 2024

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Middlesex Centre's Public Works and Engineering (PWE) department frequently receives calls from residents expressing concern with road safety specifically around vehicle speeds. 

The use of mobile speed radar trailers is one way that PWE responds to these concerns. These trailers are circulated throughout the municipality based on requests from residents and planned construction. One of the features of the trailer is that they allow staff to access the speed data collected to review trends and share with law enforcement as appropriate.

Staff received 33 resident requests for the speed radar trailers to come to their neighbourhood in 2024 (down from 41 requests in 2023). 

Data collected from the speed radar trailers in 2024 show that the majority of municipal roadways are operating in a manner consistent with the posted speed limit, as average speeds were generally below or close to the posted speed limit.

It is worth noting that staff receive complaints about speed on County roadways, which are not under the operational jurisdiction of the municipality. County roads are also the locations where staff typically see average speeds that are consistently higher than the posted speed limit, and the source of a large portion of resident speeding concerns. PWE staff work collaboratively with the County and have provided the speed radar trailers on County roads as a tool to help promote appropriate driving speeds and behaviours.


What's Next

  • Any areas with a high proportion of vehicles with speeds consistently over the speed limit will be shared with the Middlesex OPP as speeding hot spots for targeted enforcement action.
  • Staff will look to roll this program out again in 2025, to educate drivers and promote proper driving speeds on area roadways. It is part of the municipal Vision Zero road safety campaign.



To Request a Temporary Speed Radar Sign for your Neighbourhood

To request that the speed radar sign come to your neighbourhood, contact Middlesex Centre Public Works and Engineering. The sign is typically available on a first-come, first-served basis. To ensure road safety requirements are met, placement of the sign is at the discretion of Middlesex Centre staff.

Speeding - Enforcement

For issues related to speeding and enforcement, please contact the Middlesex OPP at 1-888-310-1122 (non-urgent call line).  You may also report driving complaints using the OPP's Online Reporting System.