Middlesex Centre is developing a new Transportation Master Plan (TMP). This plan will guide policies and infrastructure initiatives for Middlesex Centre's transportation system over the next 25 years.
At the same time, we are also undertaking a Servicing Master Plan (SMP). You can find more information about that plan on the SMP webpage.
PROJECT STATUS: Completed - Council adopted the Transportation Master Plan (final) at their meeting on May 1, 2024. Documents can be found attached at the bottom of this page.
- Background
The purpose of the TMP is to provide a vision and the policy framework for a multimodal transportation system that will meet travel demands in the Municipality of Middlesex Centre based on a horizon year of 2046 (25 year plan) in a manner that is sustainable and compatible with future growth plans for the municipality, Middlesex County and the Province.
TMPs are long-range plans which integrate infrastructure requirements for existing and future land use with environmental assessment planning principles. The TMP will include, but will not be limited to, the following:
- Establishing the vision for transportation services, aligning it with Middlesex Centre's strategic goals and objectives
- Assessing existing transportation system performance, including roads, cycling, transit, and sidewalks
- Forecasting future travel demand -- vehicular, pedestrian, cycling, and transit -- recognizing and considering the unique location of the municipality to the regional commercial and employment centre that is the City of London
- Determining the appropriate road surface type based on current and future traffic demands and the municipality’s desired levels of service
- Defining actions and policies to address flooding risks and climate resiliency related to transportation infrastructure
- Determining potential active transportation needs (sidewalks, potential bike lanes, etc.) in urban/settlement areas
- Incorporating a complete streets lens in reviewing and recommending action items through the TMP
- Reviewing intersection collision history for safety improvements or enhancements
- Incorporating land use planning into transportation planning to review a number of growth scenarios
- Coordinating growth scenarios with the recommendations/forecast of the Servicing Master Plan
- Developing an implementation plan for improvements including timing and high level costing
- Reviewing adjacent municipal Master Plans to ensure a continuous and connected transportation system looking to build and enhance transportation connections where feasible.
- Project Details
Project Consultant
The project is being led by Arcadis (formerly IBI Group), who bring significant experience in undertaking transportation master plans, including the City of London’s Mobility Plan and Elgin County’s Transportation Master Plan, among others.
Municipal staff will play an active role in the project, providing oversight and support to the consultants.
Project Timeline
This is a multi-year project, starting in fall of 2022 and expected to conclude in 2023.
Project Budget
Funding for the project, $125,000, was approved in the 2022 municipal budget.
- Project Presentations & Reports to Council
Council Adoption - May 1, 2024
Council adopted the Transportation Master Plan at their meeting on May 1, 2024. The final documents can be found in the meeting agenda or attached at the bottom of this page.
Council Consideration - February 7, 2024
Staff presented the Transportation Master Plan to Council for their consideration at their meeting on February 7, 2024. At the meeting, Council endorsed the TMP in principle, starting a 30-day review period. The review period ended on March 8, 2024.
The TMP documents are included as part of the council meeting agenda.
Council Presentation - December 13, 2023
Council received a presentation on the Transportation Master Plan findings at their meeting on December 13, 2023.
The presentation slides are included as part of the council meeting agenda or can be found attached at the bottom of this page. The presentation by the consultant is also part of the recording of the council meeting, which will be available on the municipality's YouTube channel.
- Public Engagement
The project was undertaken in accordance with the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process. It included public meetings, surveys and numerous touch points with residents and Council to gather critical feedback and input.
Public Engagement Opportunities
- Public Information Centre #2 - October 19, 2023
The second PIC was held Thursday, October 19, 2023, from 4pm to 7pm at the Komoka Community Centre. The presentation boards from this meeting can be found as an attachment at the bottom of this page. Comments on the information presented were accepted until November 16, 2023. - Public Information Centre #1 - January 11, 2023 (online/virtual)
The presentation from this meeting can be found as an attachment at the bottom of this page. - TMP Public Opinion Survey - January 11 to February 12, 2023
Thank-you to those that provided feedback on the survey. Results are available at the bottom of this page. - TMP Public Map
Thank-you to those that provided comments using the online map. This information has been incorporated into the plan. -
Other Comments
If you have comments about this project, please reach out to Andrew Giesen, Transportation Manager, Middlesex Centre.
- Public Information Centre #2 - October 19, 2023
- Staying Informed
- All opportunities for engagement were shared with the community via the project mailing list, our social media channels (Twitter and Facebook), on the website, in our e-newsletter and in the municipal page of the Middlesex Banner.
- Resources
Project documents are attached below.
Public notices regarding this project are posted under "Public Notices" on this website.
- Contact Us
For questions about this project, contact Andrew Giesen, Transportation Manager, Middlesex Centre.
This page was first posted in August 2022.