With students heading back to school, now is the time for all users to share the road safely!
Now more than ever, drivers need to:
- Slow down and stay alert for students walking to school or the bus stop.
- Obey all posted speed signs, particularly in school zones.
- Obey all posted no stopping and no parking signs, particularly in school zones. If you are dropping off a student, follow any parking-lot rules put in place by your school.
- Stop for buses when their lights are flashing. Traffic must stop in both directions, and only start again when the lights stop flashing.
- Be aware of your surroundings and never use an electronic device while driving. Eliminate all distractions and keep your eyes on the road.
Parents and students should review safety tips for taking the bus safely. See the Government of Canada or CAA for resources. Elmer the Safety Elephant has tips for younger students.
If your child rides their bike to school, check out the Government of Ontario Young Cyclist's Guide - and remember that all cyclists under the age of 18 are required to wear a helmet.
Be aware of your surroundings and never use an electronic device while walking or riding a bike. Eliminate all distractions and keep your eyes on the road and sidewalk.
Let's make sure all our students get to and from school safely!
For more on road safety in Middlesex Centre, see our Vision Zero Campaign.
Article first posted September 2, 2021.