Middlesex Centre is responsible for building, maintaining and repairing roads, sidewalks and other infrastructure on local roads. The County of Middlesex does the same on county roads, and the Province looks after provincial highways. In all cases, work is done according to the Minimum Maintenance Standards set out by the Province.
Municipal 511 - Road Construction Map
Middlesex Centre, the County of Middlesex, the Province of Ontario, and many other municipalities use Municipal 511 to show road closures, detours, winter weather events, and future construction projects.
Using Municipal 511
- To use Municipal 511, click on the map icons (road signs, cameras, etc.) for more information. Zoom in or out, or move the map as you would using any Google map.
- To have a clearer and larger view of Middlesex Centre, click "View Full Site" on the map below.
- The map below shows current projects. To see future/planned projects, click "View Full Site" on the map below, and then when it opens, select the "Next 7 Days" or "Next 30 Days " under "Content."
- We make every reasonable effort to keep the map up-to-date and to post road closures in advance. However, all dates are tentative and may change without notice.
Construction Projects in Middlesex Centre
To learn more about significant road and other capital projects underway in Middlesex Centre, visit our Capital Projects page.
Report a Roads Concern
- To report a concern about a Middlesex Centre municipal road, visit our Report a Concern page.
- To report a concern about a County of Middlesex road, visit the Roads | Middlesex County page.
- To report a concern about a Provincial highway, visit the Ministry of Transportation website.
For Questions Contact:
Public Works & Engineering *
Job Title
General Inquiries