Unfortunately some water users received a higher-than-average water bill for December 2024. For those affected, please see below for more information. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Why might your bill be higher more than usual?
Owing to an IT issue, your water meter was read late this past month, around January 10 rather than around the end of December.
As a result, instead of the normal 30-35 day period, your water bill was based on a 39-41 day period. Your volumetric reading may be higher than usual as a result of this longer period.
Most water users will not be affected by this issue. It primarily affects those that use less than the minimum amount of water (8 cubic metres) each month.
Note that the date of your bill – December 31, 2024 – was set to ensure you were charged at 2024 rates and does not reflect the date your meter was read.
What is the municipality doing to fix this issue?
Your water meter will be read at the end of January as usual. We will use this amount and your end of November reading to get a 60-day average, and if you are below 16 cubic metres for the two-month period, you will be credited any additional usage charges from your December bill on your January bill.
Do you need to pay my bill?
Yes, please pay your December bill even if you believe it is at a higher rate than it should be. We will adjust your bill in January, and you will see a credit for any overages you were charged.
If you were charged more than usual and cannot pay due to financial hardship, please contact the office and we will work with you to find a solution.
Who should you call with questions?
Please contact our Utility Billing Coordinator at 519-666-0190 ext. 5264 or water@middlesexcentre.ca.
If you are leaving a message, please be sure to include your property address so that we can have your information ready when we respond.