
It’s the time of year when we start looking forward to spring projects. These often include fences, decks and sheds.
- If you’re planning to build a fence, we strongly recommend that you discuss the plans first with your neighbour to come to an agreement on location, style and cost sharing. Middlesex Centre regulates fencing in our Fence By-law. Although a permit is not required for a fence, a number of questions you may have can be answered by viewing this by-law. Note that swimming pools have special building permit and fencing requirements.
- If you’re planning to build a deck, a building permit is required if your deck will be over 0.6m or 2ft above the finished grade, and may be required in other instances. Since decks are supported by posts and beams and may require rails and guards, it’s important that they meet Ontario Building Code standards. Middlesex Centre’s Building Division has created a Wood Deck Guide to help you with your plans.
- If you're planning to build a shed or garage, a building permit is required if your building will be larger than 15m2 (161ft2) or if it contains plumbing fixtures. Middlesex Centre's Building Division has created an Accessory Building Guide to help you with your plans.
As always, please contact a building inspector if you have question about the need for a permit or if you’re looking for clarification of a code requirement.
Article first posted March 2, 2020.