The following information was prepared by CN. It is shared on the municipal website as a public notice.
Each year, CN is required to manage vegetation on its right-of-way. Managing this vegetation contributes to mitigating fire risks and enhances the efficiency of inspection of track infrastructure. The spray program is not being done for aesthetic reasons.
To ensure safe railway operations, CN will conduct its annual spray program on its rail lines in the province of Ontario. A certified professional (Davey Tree Expert Company Ltd., 1-800-465-6367) will apply herbicides on and around the railway tracks (primarily along the 24-foot graveled area/ballast). Product requirements for setbacks in the vicinity of dwellings, aquatic environments and municipal water supplies will be met.
CN may use the following herbicides and active ingredients: Credit Xtreme (Nufarm), Esplanade (Bayer), Detail (BASF), Arsenal Powerline (BASF), Navius Flex (Bayer), Gateway (Corteva), Hasten NT (Norac), Round Up Weather Pro (Bayer), Torpedo (Valent), Telar (Envu/Bayer), Clearview (Corteva), Aspect (Corteva), Garlon XRT (Corteva), Milestone NXT (Corteva), Glyphosate (540g/L), Indaziflam (200 g/L), Saflufenacil (29.74%), Imazapyr (26.7%), Metsulfuron-methyl (12.6%), Aminocyclopyrachlor (39.5%), Paraffinic Oil (586 g/L), Alkoxylated alcohol non-ionic surfactants (242 g/L), Methyl and Ethyl oleate (esterified vegetable oil 75.20%), Flumioxazin (33.5%), Pyroxasulfone (42.5%), Chlorsulfuron (75%), Aminopyralid (52.5%-60%), Metsulfuron-methyl (94.5%), Picloram (97.5g/L), 2, 4-D (360 g/L), Triclopyr (755g/L), Florpyrauxifen (4.77%)
CN only uses herbicides that have been approved for use in Canada and in the province within which they are applied.
The program is expected to take place from April to October 2025.
Visit for more information or to make an inquiry, contact the CN Public Inquiry Line at or 1-888-888-5909.