Council Meeting Highlights - April 19, 2023


Mayor DeViet opened the meeting by recognizing National Volunteer Week and thanking all the volunteers in Middlesex Centre who make our municipality more vibrant, welcoming, and connected. Mayor DeViet also invited the public to join her for a town hall meeting next Monday, Monday, April 24, from 6:00 to 7:30 pm, at the Komoka Wellness Centre or online.

The meeting began with a presentation by Dean Pettitt of Stantec Consulting on the Road Needs Study for Middlesex Centre. The study looked at municipal roads and graded them using an Overall Pavement Condition Index (PCI), and presented a Time of Need (TON) assessment that predicts how long a road will last until reconstruction is required.

The study found an Overall PCI of 70 for municipal roads, which aligns with Middlesex Centre’s Asset Management Plan target. It also provided a list of critical road network deficiencies and provided a budget analysis for rehabilitation of those deficiencies. This analysis will be used to inform and facilitate future budget discussions and to prioritize rehabilitation, reconstruction, and maintenance needs of the road network.

Council received the Road Needs Study for information later in the meeting.

During the meeting, Council:

  • Received information on a review by the Thames Valley District School Board to consider the implementation of education development charges.
  • Received the March budget to actual financial statement.

Planning Matters

Sitting as the Committee of Adjustment and then in public meeting, Council approved a number of minor variance applications and other planning applications.

As part of the public meeting, Council held a Statutory Public Meeting for the municipality’s Zoning By-law Conformity Update. The update is to implement the changes from the recent Official Plan Review and to address other housekeeping matters. Details about the update can be found on the municipal website under public notices. Comments on the draft are requested by April 28, 2023, and the finalized version is expected to be brought back to Council later in the Spring. 

Next Council Meeting

The next regularly scheduled Middlesex Centre Council Meeting is set for Wednesday, May 3, 2023, at 9:30am.  Meeting times are subject to change, so please confirm with the meeting agenda when posted.

For More Information

For more details on any of these items, see the full meeting agenda or contact the Municipal Clerk. You can view the meeting on YouTube.

Meeting highlights are prepared to give residents timely updates on council decisions. The Council Meeting Minutes are the official record of the meeting.