
During the meeting, Council:
- Endorsed the Development Charge Exemption Policy, which outlines how exemptions will be tracked and funded.
- Received the capital budget to actual Q2 2024 report.
- Received a report on the Province’s efforts to modernize the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act.
- Directed GM BluePlan Engineering to conduct a block assessment of the urban settlement area in Ilderton related to Ilderton Municipal Drain No. 2.
- Received an annual report on the municipality’s asset management program, as required under Ontario Regulation 588/17. Middlesex Centre’s asset portfolio, including roads and bridges, water and wastewater infrastructure, buildings, fleet vehicles and so forth, consists of 32,526 assets with a total replacement value of $1.47 billion. Staff have made numerous improvements to the asset management program over the past few years, including implementing a new computerized system to track all municipal assets, physically inventorying all water facilities, updating condition assessment data for roads and bridges, and continuing to refine financial strategies to address future infrastructure priorities.
- Awarded two environmental services contracts: the detailed design for the Komoka Stormwater Management Facility to AECOM Canada Ltd. in the amount of $376,256 and the Komoka Wastewater Treatment Facility Blower Upgrades to CIMA+ Company (Eramosa) in the amount of $144,742 (prices exclude HST).
- Endorsed the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and Ontario Medical Association (AMO-OMA) Joint Health Resolution Campaign, urging Province of Ontario to recognize the physician shortage in Middlesex Centre and Ontario, to fund health care appropriately, and ensure every Ontarian has access to physician care.
- Supported a request from the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority, asking the Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry to remove the freeze on the fees conservation authorities can charge for planning, development, and permitting services.
Next Council Meeting
The next meeting of Middlesex Centre Council is set for Wednesday, September 4, 2024, at 9:30 a.m. Please note that council meetings will be held at the Ilderton Community Centre for the duration of the municipal office renovation.
Meeting times are subject to change, so please confirm with the meeting agenda when posted.
For More Information
For more details on any of these items, see the full meeting agenda or contact the Municipal Clerk. You can view the meeting on YouTube.
Meeting highlights are prepared to give residents timely updates on council decisions. The Council Meeting Minutes are the official record of the meeting.