Budget 2025
At the meeting, Council approved the 2025 Municipal Budget. The 2025 budget totals $78.87 million with a property tax increase of 4.27%, or $114 for an average home assessed at $400,000.
The budget addresses increasing costs due to inflation, maintains the current level of services and allows for much needed infrastructure construction and repair.
In Brief
During the meeting, Council:
- Endorsed an application for the Ontario Government’s Seniors Community Grant for the 2025-2026 year. If successful, this grant will provide funding of up to $25,000 to enhance senior programming and services in Middlesex Centre.
- Received the budget to actual report for November 2024.
- Approved an amendment to the Parking and Traffic By-law to lower the speed limit on Quaker Lane to 40km/h.
- Approved a Boundary Road Winter Maintenance Agreement in partnership with the City of London, ensuring that proper winter maintenance standards are applied to boundary roadways and to clearly identify roles and responsibilities.
- Endorsed Middlesex Centre’s management review of the Drinking Water Systems. The review demonstrated that the municipality’s Quality Management System is functioning effectively, with no major areas of concern identified. .
- Received Middlesex Centre’s Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan (ECDMP) for 2024-2029. The new ECDMP builds on the previous plan and aims to improve the energy efficiency of services within the municipality.
Planning Matters
Sitting at the public meeting, Council received and reviewed multiple zoning amendment and consent to sever applications.
For More Information
For more details on any of these items, see the full meeting agenda or contact the Municipal Clerk. You can view the meeting on YouTube.
Meeting highlights are prepared to give residents timely updates on council decisions. The Council Meeting Minutes are the official record of the meeting.