Lindsay Brock, Director of Library Services / CEO for Middlesex County Library, provided council with an update on library programming in 2024, including popular programs such as “The Mayor’s Bookclub” with Mayor Aina DeViet, Komoka Koffee House, and EarlyON Drop-in programs.
Mayor DeViet provided opening remarks on the possible impacts of tariffs on our community. Mayor DeViet highlighted the role the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities are playing in ensuring municipal tariff concerns are raised at the provincial and federal levels. Mayor DeViet also took the opportunity to thank James Hutson, Middlesex Centre’s manager of legislative services and municipal clerk, as he will be moving to a new position later in the month.
During the meeting, Council:
- Authorized work to proceed on the Bear Creek Drain – Loft Branch and set a court of revision date for March 12, 2025.
- Received the Provincial Rural Economic Development Strategy and the Local Authority Services (LAS) Review of Governance of Water and Wastewater in Small Communities for information.
- Received the Treasurer’s Statement on the Cash in Lieu of Parkland Reserve Fund and the Delaware Reserve Fund for 2024.
- Received the year-end building activity summary for 2024. Overall, the number of new dwellings was significantly less than last year. The number of new dwellings created in Middlesex Centre in 2024 total 61, down from 162 in 2023. The reduced number of new dwellings in 2024 is due primarily to the reduction of townhouse units from 118 in 2023 to 6 in 2024.
- Received the year-end by-law enforcement activity summary for 2024. Of note, there were 295 total calls for Middlesex Centre, up from 256 in 2023. Fencing, parking and property standards were among the most frequent complaints.
- Directed staff to carry forward with the action plan for the $4,246,800 multi-year funding grant Middlesex Centre received from the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) Housing Accelerator Fund. This funding is a part of the Government of Canada’s National Housing Strategy, which looks to increase new housing supply.
- Heard an overview of the progress made on Middlesex Centre’s Information Technology (IT) Master Plan, including improvements to IT services and system resilience.
- Endorsed the proposed updates to the Thames-Sydenham Source Protection Plan.
Next Council Meeting
The next meeting of Middlesex Centre Council is set for Wednesday, February 26, 2025, at 5:30 p.m. Please note that council meetings will be held at the Ilderton Community Centre for the duration of the municipal office renovation.
For More Information
For more details on any of these items, see the full meeting agenda or contact the Municipal Clerk. You can view the meeting on YouTube.
Meeting highlights are prepared to give residents timely updates on council decisions. The Council Meeting Minutes are the official record of the meeting.