Mayor DeViet began the meeting by wishing everyone a Happy New Year and inviting members of the public to attend the Transportation Master Plan and Servicing Master Plan Public Information Centre taking place in the evening on January 11.
Two presentations then followed. Graham Pressey of Blackline Consulting provided an overview of the Customer Service Delivery Review undertaken in 2022. Funded through the Government of Ontario’s Municipal Modernization Program Intake 3, the review included a survey of residents, working closely with staff at different locations to observe the process of customer service, and from these observations, generated options to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the municipality’s front-line customer service. Also included in the process was the development of a new customer service policy and procedure, which Council adopted later in the meeting.
Next, Sean Hanlon, Middlesex Centre’s Customer Service/Recreation Program Assistant, provided an overview of the Provincial Seniors Community Grant recently sought and received by Middlesex Centre. The grant, valued at $11,225, is supporting a pickleball program for older adults. These programs are being offered over the winter, and more information about registering is available on the municipal website.
2023 Budget Approved
At the meeting, Council approved the 2023 Municipal Budget at $70.2 million for both operating and capital costs. This will result in a 2.5% increase in property taxes this year. (Property taxes fund 51% of the budget, with user fees, grants, and other income making up the balance.)
The final 2023 Municipal Budget is available on the municipal website. (If you would like an overview of the draft budget as presented, please see the December 7 and December 14 Council meeting highlights.)
In Brief
During the meeting, Council also:
- Received an update on changes to the Community Safety and Policing Act that will lead to the creation of a local OPP Detachment Board consisting of representatives from the municipalities and first nations they serve.
- Received an update on funding from the Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund for 2023, which totals $1,962,071 (compared to 2022 in $2,064,113). The funds will be put towards bridge and culvert improvements and asphalt resurfacing of local roads.
- Approved an update to the municipal Development Charge Interest Policy to align with the Provincial More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022 (Bill 23).
- Received a report summarizing the actions taken by the Office of the Clerk to ensure the 2022 municipal election was accessible to all.
- Received an update on the services of the Middlesex Centre Fire Services in 2022. MCFS responded to 417 emergencies last year, with 125 of those being multi-vehicle collisions. The average response time for all emergencies was 9 minutes and 7 seconds. Additionally, MCFS conducted 278 fire inspections across the three municipalities it serves (Middlesex Centre, Thames Centre, and North Middlesex) and investigated 16 fires in those same municipalities.
Next Council Meeting
The next regularly scheduled Middlesex Centre Council Meeting is set for Wednesday, January 25, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. Meeting times are subject to change, so please confirm with the meeting agenda when posted.
For More Information
For more details on any of these items, see the full meeting agenda or contact the Municipal Clerk. You can view the meeting on YouTube.
Meeting highlights are prepared to give residents timely updates on council decisions. The Council Meeting Minutes are the official record of the meeting