The meeting opened with Mayor DeViet, sitting in her role of as Warden for the County of Middlesex, and Middlesex County CAO Bill Rayburn presenting annual updates and highlights from the County of Middlesex.
During the meeting, Middlesex Centre Council:
- Authorized staff to work with local community groups to plan an event in 2026 marking Ilderton’s 150th anniversary, the Ilderton Agricultural Society’s 175th year, and the Tri-County Heritage Club’s 50th year. As of now, the event, date, budget, and other details are still under discussion.
- Approved updates that offer clarity to the delegated authority by-law.
- Received an overview of funding being received from the Ministry of Seniors and Accessibility for the 2023-2024 and the 2024-2025 Seniors Active Living Centres (SALC) Program. Funding in the amount of $20,179 was used to launch the Middlesex Centre Seniors Active Living Centres Program - 2023/2024. 2024/2025 funding has been requested.
- Received the Q1 2024 budget-to-actual report for the Municipality of Middlesex Centre.
- Authorized a temporary use agreement with The Elite Performance and Injury Centre to permit a temporary structure behind the Komoka Wellness Centre. The Elite Performance and Injury Centre will operate out of the structure for six to eight months, providing training and rehabilitation to elite athletes. After the agreement ends, the municipality will assume the structure and associated concrete pad, which can be used for recreational programs, storage, etc. The municipality contributed $15,000 towards the $45,000 project.
- Received the Q1 Building and By-law Enforcement Activity Summary for information. Overall, 53 building permits were issued to the end of March 2024, a decrease from 70 permits issued in the same period in 2023. As for by-law enforcement activity, there were 61 site visits and 53 new cases opened in Q1, with parking complaints being the highest at 16 cases.
- Awarded the Komoka SCADA System Upgrade Project to Eramosa a CIMA+ Company (Eramosa) in the amount of $275,231 (excluding HST).
- Adopted the Transportation Master Plan.
- Provided staff with direction in regards to calculations and exemptions for the draft 2024 Development Charges Study. The draft study is set to come back to Council during a public meeting on May 22.
- Received an update on servicing options for Elmhurst Steet and Parkland Place in Kilworth coming from the recent OLT decision directing development in that area. Further, Council directed staff to proceed with an option to provide full municipal servicing along those roads that will be affected by the development servicing (please see map in staff report). More information on the servicing work will be forthcoming soon.
- Received Ontario’s Provincial Emergency Management Strategy and Action Plan 2023 Annual Report for information.
- Received a monthly update on activities and events attended by Mayor DeViet.
Next Council Meeting
The next regular council meeting is set for Wednesday, May 22, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. A Special Meeting will also be held on May 8, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. regarding servicing master plans. Please note that regular council meetings will be held at the Ilderton Community Centre for the duration of the municipal office renovation. Meeting times are subject to change, so please confirm with the meeting agenda when posted.
For More Information
For more details on any of these items, see the full meeting agenda or contact the Municipal Clerk. You can view the meeting YouTube.
Meeting highlights are prepared to give residents timely updates on council decisions. The Council Meeting Minutes are the official record of the meeting.