Development Charges Study Update
A public meeting on the municipality’s Development Charges (DC) Study was held during the council meeting. Peter Simcisko of Watson & Associates Economists presented the findings of the DC study, and members of the public were invited to provide comments. Council will consider adoption of the proposed DC rates (as found in the draft by-laws) at their meeting on July 10, 2024. See the DC Study webpage for more information.
In Brief
During the meeting, Council:
- Received the Saker Municipal Drain Engineer’s Report and directed work on the project to proceed.
- Sitting as the Court of Revision, considered appeals related to the Nixon Stokes Drain (none received) and the Needham Municipal Drain.
- Received and directed work to proceed on requests for drainage improvements on the Link Municipal Drain and the Green-Harding Municipal Drain.
- Received a report prepared by the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) on bulk electricity/transmission system for the central-west corridor region, (area serving Middlesex Centre).
- Received various updates pertaining to the municipal budget and finances, including reserve and reserve fund policies, surplus and reserve fund transfers, and budget to actual year-end reports. Thanks in part to increased growth and interest rates, Middlesex Centre ended 2023 with a surplus of $2.53 million. Council also received the 2023 Treasurer’s Statement on Development Charges.
- Received an update on the municipality’s streetlight inventory and assessments, as well as associated maintenance and capital improvements needed for streetlighting infrastructure.
- Received the Tree Inventory and Assessment Report which highlights current municipal tree assets and required maintenance.
- Amended the Parking and Traffic By-law to allow for various safety improvements to parking and traffic within Middlesex Centre, such as:
- Removing the heavy truck restriction on Medway Road
- Adding a stop sign at Railway Avenue and Tunks Lane
- Adding “No Parking” restrictions on Wellington Street
- Adding “No Parking” restrictions on Robert Street
- Installing a pedestrian crossover (PXO) sign at York Street and Young Street
- Amended the budget to include a pedestrian crossover (PXO) on Longwoods Road at Springer Road and Victoria Street, with funding from the Delaware Hydro Reserve Fund ($95,000).
Planning Matters
Sitting as the Committee of Adjustment and in public meeting, Council heard applications for minor variances, consent applications, official plan, and zoning by-law amendments.
Next Council Meeting
The next regularly scheduled Middlesex Centre Council Meeting is set for Wednesday, June 5, 2024, at 9:30 a.m. Please note that council meetings will be held at the Ilderton Community Centre for the duration of the municipal office renovation.
Meeting times are subject to change, so please confirm with the meeting agenda when posted.
For More Information
For more details on any of these items, see the full meeting agenda or contact the Municipal Clerk. You can view the meeting on YouTube.
Meeting highlights are prepared to give residents timely updates on council decisions. The Council Meeting Minutes are the official record of the meeting.