Mayor's Remarks
Mayor DeViet reminded residents of Middlesex Centre’s Council Grants Program. This program offers grants to community groups hosting events and projects that increase wellbeing and build community. Applications are open until the end of November.
Mayor DeViet also reminded everyone that the local branches of the Royal Canadian Legion will be holding Remembrance Day ceremonies across Middlesex Centre. There is a ceremony in Ilderton on November 10, in Delaware on November 11 in the morning, and in Poplar Hill on November 11 in the afternoon, and all take place at the community cenotaphs.
Lastly, Mayor DeViet congratulated Middlesex Centre’s Chief Building Official Arnie Marsman for his exceptional contributions to the 2024 Ontario Building Officials Association (OBOA) Conference in London. Thanks to Arnie’s hard work, the OBOA raised an impressive $7,300 for Ronald McDonald House Charities, making a significant impact on the families that benefit from their services.
Presentations to Council
Council received presentations from:
- Inspector Ross Stuart regarding the increase in Ontario Provincial Police costs for 2025.
- Kevin Routley from Selectpath about the employee benefit program offered for Middlesex Centre employees.
- Providence Reformed Collegiate requesting an exemption from the Development Charges By-law. Council requested that Tiffany Farrell, Director of Corporate Services for Middlesex Centre, provide a report outlining the implications of this request, which will be presented to council at a later date.
- Kelly Ziegner, President and CEO, with an update from the United Way Elgin Middlesex.
Meeting Agenda Items
During the meeting, Council:
- Approved updates to the Complaint Handling Policy and the RZone Policy. The changes modernize the existing policies, which were last updated in 2016 and 2014 respectively. Updates to the Complaint Handling Policy included refining the roles and responsibilities for municipal staff and establishing a detailed procedure for informal and formal complaint investigations.
- Approved updates to the Code of Conduct for Members of Council, Local Boards and Committees.
- Received a report regarding municipal staff appointments to boards for information.
- Received the 2023 Annual Report of the Canada Community-Building Fund, which features infrastructure projects in Middlesex Centre that received funding support.
- Heard a status update for 13211 Ilderton Road (former CIBC property). Since acquiring the building, staff have made minor updates to both the interior and exterior of the building, including expansion of the parking lot and new flooring and painting.
- Approved the 2024 write off of uncollectible fire services account receivable, totaling $55,989.80.
- Received the Capital Budget to Actual Q3 2024 report.
- Received an update on the Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund. The amount of funding that Middlesex Centre will receive in 2025 is $1,917,924 (2024: $1,667,760), an increase of $250,164.
- Received an update on Middlesex Centre’s 2025 Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF) grant, which will be $1,403,400. The funding has increased $213,100 (17.9%) over 2024. OMPF funding has been included in the draft budget for 2025.
- Authorized to sign on to a letter of support with respect to reversing the decision of the Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry of Ontario, Graydon Smith, to freeze the fees conservation authorities can charge in regards to planning, development, and permitting.
- Authorized a letter of support requesting the Ontario Government to immediately implement sustainable funding for small rural municipalities by reabsorbing the cost of the Ontario Provincial Police Force back into the provincial budget with no cost recovery to municipalities.
- Appointed Councillor Hugh Aerts to the Court of Revision for the Ilderton Municipal Drain No. 1, scheduled for November 20, 2024.
Next Council Meeting
The next meeting of Middlesex Centre Council is set for Wednesday, November 20, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. Please note that council meetings will be held at the Ilderton Community Centre for the duration of the municipal office renovation. Meeting times are subject to change, so please confirm with the meeting agenda when posted.
For More Information
For more details on any of these items, see the full meeting agenda or contact the Municipal Clerk. You can view the meeting on YouTube.
Meeting highlights are prepared to give residents timely updates on council decisions. The Council Meeting Minutes are the official record of the meeting.