Developed with input from the community and local sports and recreational organizations, Middlesex Centre's Community Services Master Plan will guide recreation and culture programming, services, and parks and facility infrastructure from 2023 to 2027.
Community Services Master Plan, 2023-2027
Developing the Plan
This updated Community Services Master Plan continues the work and direction set out in the 2012 plan.
Middlesex Centre staff developed this new plan in-house over a two-year period, with the Community Services Advisory Committee providing project guidance and oversight.
Staff engaged residents in the planning process through surveys, public meetings, and direct meetings with major park and facility users, community groups and other community stakeholders. You can read some of what was said in the survey results attached below.
The results from all this various feedback were incorporated into the 38 recommendations found in the plan.
Middlesex Centre Council approved and adopted the plan at their meeting on November 2, 2022.
How the Plan will be Used
The plan guides the Community Services department in effectively planning, budgeting, implementing and delivering on identified municipal priorities. These priority recommendations align with the five goals of the Framework for Recreation in Canada:
- Active Living
- Inclusion and Access
- Connecting People and Nature
- Supportive Environments
- Recreational Capacity
Monitoring Progress
It is important to note that the plan does not call for specific funding requirements; rather, staff will review the recommendations and identify priority projects when developing the annual Community Services work plan and the municipal budget. Progress on the recommendations will be reviewed annually.
Contact Us
For questions about this project, contact Scott Mairs, Director of Community Services. Requests for alternative formats should also be directed to Mr. Mairs.