Notice: Proposed Utility Rate Change


At their meeting on Nov. 15, 2023, Council will consider proposed changes to the water, wastewater and stormwater rates which would see:

  • the rate for water increase 1% (over 2023);
  • the rate for wastewater increase 4% (over 2023); and
  • the rate for stormwater increase 2.5 (over 2023)%. 

If approved, residents with all three services using 180 m3 of water annually (an average usage level) will see their bill increase by about 2.64% or $4.12 per month, depending on the amount of water they use. Residents paying only for stormwater will see their bill increase by 2.48% or $0.40 per month.

The full report on the 2024 Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Rate Proposal will be available on the Nov. 15 council meeting agenda, to be posted no later than Nov. 10.