NOTICE OPA 53 and ZBA-29-2020
Applications for Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment
- Owner: Kenneth Maes
- Agent: Melanie Horton, Esher Planning Inc
- Location: 9548 and 9584 Glendon Drive
- Roll No: 393900002029600, 393900002029500
Please see attached document(s).
If you have accessibility concerns regarding the technical reports, please contact the Municipal Clerk.
Public Meeting
Council will hold a public meeting to consider this matter:
- Date: Wednesday March 24, 2021
- Time: 7:00 p.m.
- Place: Remote Meeting Online via Zoom
To register to participate in the public meeting by phone, send your request to participate no later than the Monday prior to the meeting via email. Please review the attached notice of meeting (below) for further details.
If you are unable to participate in the meeting, you may choose to submit comments via letter or email, however at this time an email is encouraged. You may also watch the meeting on Middlesex Centre’s YouTube channel.