Reduced Load Limits in effect for March and April

reduced load sign

To keep our municipal roads in tip-top shape, Middlesex Centre has a reduced load limit in place during the early spring (half-load season), under by-law 2018-092.

Seasonal load restrictions are put into place to protect our roads from damage or failure during the spring when the winter’s frost is thawing and the snow melt and rain have saturated the road base material. Damage done to roads is usually deeper than just on the surface and can end up costing hundreds of thousands, or potentially millions, of dollars to repair.

From March 1 to April 30, inclusive, any vehicle travelling on the following stretches of road is restricted to a reduced load limit of a maximum weight of five (5) tonnes per axle (map follows):

Street/Road From To
Adelaide Street Ilderton Road Fifteen Mile Road
Amiens Road Glendon Drive Hickory Drive
Bear Creek Road Ilderton Road Vanneck Road
Brigham Road Gideon Drive Sharon Drive
Carriage Road Gideon Drive Longwoods Road
Carriage Road Littlewood Drive Southdel Drive
Clarke Road Medway Road Plover Mills Road
Coldstream Road Vanneck Road Ilderton Road
Cook Road Westminster Drive Southerly limit
Eight Mile Road Hyde Park Road Clarke Road
Elviage Road Westerly Limit Easterly Limit
Fifteen Mile Road Vanneck Road Highbury Avenue
Gold Creek Drive Vanneck Road Nairn Road
Greystead Drive Vanneck Road Amiens Road
Ilderton Road Prospect Hill Road Highbury Avenue
Ilderton Road Egremont Drive Amiens Road
Mill Creek Lane Gideon Drive Atkinson Court
Nine Mile Road Vanneck Road Highbury Avenue
Old River Road Glendon Drive Pulham Road
Osbourne Street Gideon Drive York Street
Oxbow Drive Vanneck Road Amiens Road
Poplar Hill Road Ilderton Road Fernhill Drive
Prince Albert Street Longwoods Road Wellington Street
Prospect Hill Road Thorndale Road Plover Mills Road
Sharon Drive Easterly Limit Heatly Drive
Sixteen Mile Road Vanneck Road Denfield Road
Southdel Drive Southminster Bourne Bodkin Road
Springer Road Longwoods Road Heatly Drive (South Leg)
Sunningdale Road W Vanneck Road Hyde Park Road
Ten Mile Road Adelaide Street Richmond Street
Thirteen Mile Road Prospect Hill Road Vanneck Road
Vanneck Road Elginfield Road Egremont Drive
Wesdel Street Littlewood Drive Northerly Limit
Westminster Drive Westerly Limit Carriage Road
Wonderland Road Ilderton Road Elginfield Road
Woodhull Road Gideon Drive Littlewood Drive


At any time during the year, any vehicle travelling on the following stretches of road is restricted to a reduced load limit of a maximum weight of five (5) tonnes per axle (map follows):

Street/Road From To
Prospect Hill Road Thorndale Road Plover Mills Road
Vanneck Road Elginfield Road Ilderton Road


Thank-you for helping to keep our roads in good condition for all drivers! 

If you have any questions about load limits, please contact the Public Works and Engineering Department


This page first posted February 27, 2020.