Glendon Drive Improvements

Drawing of Glendon Dr. Roundabout

This is being shared on behalf of Middlesex County.

Middlesex County is planning a major reconstruction of Glendon Dr. from London to Hwy 402. Much of this work will take place in Middlesex Centre, through Kilworth and Komoka.

The Environmental Study Report for the project, which includes drawings (maps) for the reconstructed road can be found on the Middlesex County website.

Environmental Study Report for Glendon Dr.


Glendon Dr, Vanneck Rd, Coldstream Rd & Jeffries Rd Roundabout, Realignment of Coldstream Rd 

The County's first major work on the Glendon Dr reconstruction is the installation of a roundabout at the "5-Corners" intersection in 2024.

Project Updates

Update, June 10, 2024 - On Monday, June 24, Glendon Drive, Vanneck Road, Jefferies Road and Coldstream Road will be closed at the intersection to allow for hydro poles to be re-located.

  • ROAD CLOSURES - The closures are planned from 8am to 2pm (but may run longer). There will be no through traffic.
    • Detours areas follows (or see maps on the County website):
      • Glendon Dr. Detour: Komoka Rd - Gideon Dr - Oxford St
      • Vanneck Rd Detour: Komoka Rd - Oxbow Dr - Nairn Rd - Gainsborough Rd
      • Coldstream Rd Detour: Oxbow Dr - Komoka Rd
      • Jefferies Rd Detour: Dausett Dr - Doan Dr - Springfield Way
    • Please obey road closures and follow the detours for your safety and the safety of the construction crews. Obey posted speeds in all areas.
    • For any questions about the road closure, please call the Middlesex County Operations Centre 519-471-2020.
  • HYDRO OUTAGE - There will be a small Hydro One outage as well for approximately 100 customers. The outage is planned from 9am to 1pm. Hydro will contact those that will be affected. You can also check the Hydro One outage map. (Watch the options on the side - you might want "future planned outages" if you are looking prior to the 24th.)

Update, June 4, 2024 - After receiving the required approvals from Hydro One on the relocation of the hydro poles, the County of Middlesex will be putting the roundabout at the "5-Corners" intersection out to tender shortly, with work expected to start later this summer. A one-day road closure is expected later in June to allow for the hydro work to be completed. Please watch for information on the closure date on the website and social media.

Presentation to Council, December 2023

Middlesex County and Stantec Consulting provided Council with an update on the project at their December 6, 2023, meeting.  This presentation included information on the construction work planned for Spring to Fall 2024.

Council Presentation VideO - Starts at 50min mark 

Council Presentation Slides


Public Information Centre, May 2022

Part of the Glendon Dr. improvements is a roundabout at the intersection of Glendon Dr, Vanneck Rd, Coldstream Rd and Jeffries Rd, and the realignment of Coldstream Rd.  A public information centre (PIC) for this project was held May 10, 2022.

Glendon Dr. Public Information Centre Presentation



Questions on this project should be directed to the project team members:

  • Chris Traini, P.Eng., Project Engineer, County of Middlesex,, 519-434-7321 ext. 2347
  • Isaac Bartlett, P.Eng., Project Manager, Stantec Consulting Ltd.,, 519-675-6643


Location Map - Glendon Dr. Roundabout

map - glendon dr roundabout

This page was first posted May 12, 2022.