Tree and Bench Dedications

Planting a tree or commissioning a bench in a Middlesex Centre park is an thoughtful way to honor a person living or passed, commemorate a special event, or mark a day in history. It is a generous gesture for the community, creating a home for birds and wildlife or comfortable rest for all park users.

Commemorative trees and benches are planted or placed in approved areas within municipal parks or open spaces. Specific locations are determined by Middlesex Centre's Community Services staff, taking into consideration public safety concerns, sightlines, underground utilities, and planned future development within the park space. 

Requests for commemorative trees and benches are accepted year-round. Please find the request form attached at the bottom of this page. Once completed, the forms can be sent to the municipal office by post or by email.

Commemorative Trees
Memorial Tree in Weldon Park

Commemorative tree plantings take place twice a year, once in the spring and once in the fall, to ensure that the trees have the best chance to survive and thrive.

Those dedicating a tree may select from the following approved species: Red Maple, Sugar Maple, Hackberry, Tulip Tree, Sycamore, White Oak, Bur Oak, Red Oak, American Basswood and White Elm. 

The trees come in 50mm caliper (trunk thickness). They are a more mature and taller tree with large root ball.

Each tree comes with a ground marker in the form an engraved flag stone which can be customized with a short dedication.

Once planted, the tree is the responsibility of Middlesex Centre's Community Services Department and will be adequately watered 3-4 times a week for the first three months to promote root growth in the new soil.

The tree will be maintained trimmed as necessary as it grows and matures in its new setting.

Commemorative Benches
Memorial bench

Commemorative benches, made locally in Woodstock, are a Maglin 510 series backed bench with a bronze plaque mounted in the centre of the backrest. 

The bronze plaque can be customized with a short dedication.

Benches are 2 metres (6 feet) in length and powder coated black to withstand the Canadian climate and last in great shape for years. They are placed on a concrete base.



Certificates for Special Occasions

Middlesex Centre is also pleased to offer Congratulatory Certificates to celebrate milestone birthdays, anniversaries, and other special events.

Questions: If you have any questions about the tree and bench dedication program, please contact Ryan Darling of Middlesex Centre's Community Services department.