Update - This project is now completed.
About the Project
Bridges B-301, B-314, and B-505 were identified by the Municipality of Middlesex Centre as candidates for rehabilitation. They are scheduled to be rehabilitated in the fall of 2023.
- Bridge B-301 is located on Carriage Road between Harris Road and Gideon Drive, Delaware
- Bridge B-314 is located on Westminster Drive between Carriage Road and Cooks Road, Delaware
- Bridge B-505 is located on Vanneck Road between 16 Mile Road/Siddall Road and McEwan Drive
Clearwater Structures has been selected as the primary contractor to rehabilitate the three bridges.
Reason for the Project
Components of the bridges have reached the end of their expected service lives. Proactively rehabilitating components of structures that have reached the end of their service lives is an essential part of maintaining a healthy and reliable public infrastructure system.
The bridge rehabilitations are expected to:
- Provide a long-term solution to maintain crossings of existing watercourses.
- Improve longevity of the structures by; replacing and waterproofing the existing deck, asphalt paving, railings, curbs, bearings, joints, seals, and erosion protection.
- Minimize impacts resulting from construction to neighbouring properties and members of the community.
- Restore the area to match or improve upon pre-construction conditions.
Thanks to the Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund, Canada Community-Building Fund, and Middlesex Centre roads capital reserve fund for providing significant funding in support of this project.
About the Project
- Tentative Start Date: September 18, 2023
- Estimated Completion: November 30, 2023
- Dates may change due to weather, supply chain issues and contractor availability.
Scope of Work
Rehabilitation of the existing bridges; waterproofing bridge decks, repairing guiderails, replacing joints and seals, as well as bearings.
Clearwater Structures
How will Construction Impact You?
For those living in or travelling through the construction area:
- Street Access and Parking: localized road closures are expected during construction only allowing local traffic to access their properties. A detour route will be in effect during construction with the appropriate signage to direct traffic.
- Vibration & Dust - Protect Valuables: Construction equipment can cause vibrations and dust. Please ensure you protect any valuables susceptible to damage, staff will monitor dust conditions and apply dust suppressants as required to minimize dust due to construction.
- Mail Services: Canada post will continue to deliver mail during construction. Canada Post will provide further notification and instructions for residents that may be impacted. Staff will provide temporary mailboxes that are temporarily removed or impacted due to construction.
- Garbage and Recycling Collection: If your pick-up point is temporarily blocked by construction the contractor will assist in collecting and transporting your garbage and recycling.
- Manicured Lawns: The contractor will restore all damaged manicured lawns resulting from the construction project. A mixture of seed and water will be applied by the Municipality to such affected locations. We encourage you to assist in the watering process.
- Sprinklers, Flower Beds, Invisible Fences, and Private Infrastructure: Residents are encouraged to remove any private infrastructure and items that may be inadvertently located in the municipal right of way. The contractor will not be responsible for or repair any private infrastructure damaged or removed as a result of this work.
Please obey road closures and follow the detour for your safety and the safety of the construction crews. Obey posted speeds in all areas.
Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this project as it progresses, please be in touch.
- If you have general questions, please contact Andrew Giesen, Transportation Manager for Middlesex Centre
- If there is a construction related emergency and there are no staff on-site to report it to, please contact the Municipal Office at (519) 666-0190.
Thank-you for your patience and understanding while the municipality undertakes this important project to protect the functionality of our municipal roads system.