At their meeting on April 17, Middlesex Centre Council:
- Received a presentation on the engineer’s report for the Nixon Stokes Municipal Drain, located in the area of Wonderland Rd and Nine Mile Rd and authorized work on the project to proceed
- Approved Community Improvement Plan (CIP) funding totalling $31,066 for eleven local businesses. The grants will support improvements to façades and signage, energy efficiency and accessibility, with a total project value of $298,928. Please see the CIP webpage for a full list of the businesses and grants for 2024.
- Awarded the purchase a used support and response vehicle for emergency services. By purchasing a low-mileage used vehicle, the municipality will save in excess of $13,530 and, since it is fully outfitted with all the required accessories, will be able to put the vehicle into service immediately once acquired.
- Endorsed the 2024 Middlesex Centre Sidewalk Program. The Sidewalk Program looks to install or replace sidewalks as part of a complete streets approach that aims to reduce car-dependency and make neighbourhood streets welcoming, equitable, safe, and accessible for community members of all ages, abilities and means. Funding was approved as part of the 2024 capital budget. New sidewalk locations for 2024 are along Woodland Dr and Birchcrest Dr in Kilworth (map). These locations were selected as they fill present gaps in the sidewalk network.
- Received results from the 2023 Speed Radar Study. Data collected from the speed radar trailers in 2023 show that the majority of municipal roadways are operating in a manner consistent with the posted speed limit, as average speeds were generally below or close to the posted speed limit.
- Endorsed the 2024 Vision Zero road safety campaign. A number of initiatives are planned for this year, including the use of permanent and temporary speed cushions and centre-line markers on roads with speeding concerns, the continuation of the “respect the limit” lawn signs, and use of speed radar signs, among others. Details about these initiatives are available on the Vision Zero webpage.
Planning Matters
Sitting as the Committee of Adjustment and in public meeting, Council received and reviewed a number of planning applications.
Upcoming Meeting
The next regular council meeting is set for Wednesday, May 1, 2024, at 9:30 a.m. Please note that regular council meetings will be held at the Ilderton Community Centre for the duration of the municipal office renovation.
Meeting times are subject to change, so please confirm with the meeting agenda when posted.
For More Information
For more details on any of these items, see the full meeting agenda or contact the Municipal Clerk. You can view the meeting YouTube.
Meeting highlights are prepared to give residents timely updates on council decisions. The Council Meeting Minutes are the official record of the meeting.