Property Tax Calculator

Try our property tax calculator tool to get estimates to help you plan and budget.
Enter the assessed value of your property and select the tax category below to receive an instant estimate. You can find the assessed value on your Property Assessment Notice from the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) or on a final Middlesex Centre property tax bill.
Please note this calculator provides an estimate of property tax at the time of access and may not reflect recent updates. It does not include user fees for waste and recycling, which appear as a separate line item on Middlesex Centre property tax bills.

The Property Tax Calculator is not an official record and should only be used as an estimation tool.

Note the Property Tax Calculator is using 2024 tax rates.

These are full rates for each tax class. If your property is in a different tax category (for example, vacant commercial lands, parking lots, shopping centres), please see the tax rate summary for the appropriate rate.


Please enter your property value and type to begin.