Does your organization have a great idea for a project to increase well-being and build community in Middlesex Centre? You may be eligible for funding support under Middlesex Centre's Council Grants Program!
About the Grants
The Council Grants Program exists to recognize the value of the work of non-profit groups to the well-being and growth of the community, and in helping the municipality retain a strong community focus.
Focus Areas:
- Tourism/Economic Development -- Includes organizations that significantly benefit tourism by bringing in non-residents into the municipality or promoting events that highlight Middlesex Centre.
- Community -- Includes organizations that enable citizens to strengthen the personal or community life of the Municipality of Middlesex Centre. It also refers to organizations which strengthen neighbourhoods, accessibility, and public involvement in organizations. This category includes quality of life organizations.
- The Arts -- Includes organizations that produce, present, distribute, educate and/or encourage the appreciation of and the creation of work in the literary, performing or visual arts.
- Culture and Heritage -- Includes organizations which represent the creative capacities of citizens or the celebration of racial or ethnic contributions (diversity, multi-culturalism).
- Environmental Awareness & Sustainability -- Includes organizations with a primary focus of preservation and raising awareness of environmental, agricultural and/or natural heritage issues and features.
- Other
- A maximum of $20,000 will be included in the budget each year for this program.
- A maximum of $5,000 per organization has been established for financial contributions.
- A maximum of $2,000 per organization has been established for in-kind services. In-kind support will be limited to the use of municipal property at reduced or no cost, municipal staff support and loan of municipal equipment.
Key eligibility requirements include:
- The organization must have a clearly stated purpose and function that result in an improvement in community services within the Municipality of Middlesex Centre and the organization must be responsible for the planning and provision of these services.
- Organizations must be non-profit community groups and organizations and be based in or connected to the Municipality of Middlesex Centre.
- Programs/community events must be open to all residents of Middlesex Centre and must benefit Middlesex Centre residents.
There are additional eligibility requirements. Please see the "Council Grants Program Information and Application Form" document for the complete list. This document also include a list of the types of projects that would not be eligible under the grant.
To Apply
Applications for the coming year are accepted until November 30th of the year prior. The application form can be found at the end of the "Council Grants Program Information and Application Form" document.
If you require the application form in a different format, please contact us. You may answer the questions posed in the form in a different document (such as a word document); please ensure all questions are answered.