Mayor DeViet encouraged Council members and residents to attend the Middlesex Centre Community Fun Day in celebration of the municipality’s 25th Anniversary. The event is being held at the Komoka Wellness Centre on Saturday, September 9.
Municipal Office Renovation Project Moves Forward
At the meeting, Council awarded the tender for the municipal office expansion and renovation to Tradition Construction Inc. With the construction project moving forward this fall, the municipal office will be moving temporarily as of October 3, 2023, with front-desk services offered at the Komoka Wellness Centre.
Please visit our webpage for information regarding the office renovations.
In Brief
During the meeting, Council also:
- Received the results of the 2024 Budget Survey, which received 305 responses. Of note, 86% of respondents thought the municipal services they received were either fair, good, or excellent. Information from the survey will be incorporated in the creation of the 2024 budget.
- Granted pre-budget approval for a two-and-a-half percent cost of living increase for employee wages effective January 1, 2024.
- Discussed the Council compensation review. A revised report will come back to Council at the September 20, 2023, meeting.
- Received an update regarding the status of the Bryanston Public School property.
- Approved a new Building By-law, which will come into effect on January 1, 2024.
- Received information on the 2023 first-half building reports for the municipalities with which Middlesex Centre has building inspection service agreements in place.
- Rescinded the COVID-19 Vaccination Policy, effective September 6, 2023.
- Received an update on the Province’s new Building Faster Fund.
- Met in closed session to discuss matters related to the potential purchase of property in Ward 1 and to receive an update on a litigation matter in Ward 4. Questions related to closed session meetings may be directed to the Municipal Clerk.
Next Council Meeting
The next regularly scheduled Middlesex Centre Council Meeting is set for Wednesday, September 20, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. Meeting times are subject to change, so please confirm with the meeting agenda when posted.
For More Information
For more details on any of these items, see the full meeting agenda or contact the Municipal Clerk. You can view the meeting on YouTube.
Meeting highlights are prepared to give residents timely updates on council decisions. The Council Meeting Minutes are the official record of the meeting.