This project will address long-term water servicing in the Wyndfield Gate Community by connecting the Melrose Water Treatment Plant to the regional water supply (RWS) secondary transmission main. The project will see retrofits to convert the Melrose Water Treatment Plant into a water pumping station. The conversion will remove the current groundwater well pumping and treatment system.
Reason for the Project
The Municipality of Middlesex Centre completed a Schedule B Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Stantec, 2017), along with a number of background studies and reports, all looking to identify a long-term solution for the water servicing for the Wynfield Gate Community in Melrose.
The long-term solution identified a connection to the RWS secondary transmission main with retrofits to the Melrose Water Treatment Plant to convert the plant to a pumping station.
This project offers significant advantages in terms of:
- integrating and regionalizing the municipality’s infrastructure assets
- reducing annual operating costs
- addressing water quality and quantity issues
- increasing available storage for supply
- mitigating regulatory impacts and the potential for significant drinking water threats associated with the Melrose Wellhead Protection Area (WHPA).
Project Details
- Work is expected to begin in March 2025.
- Tree Trimming: Tentative start date – March 24, 2025 and estimated completion – March 26, 2025
- Water Main Installation: Tentative start date – April 14, 2025 and estimated completion – May 14, 2025
- Water Plant Refurbishment: Tentative start date – June 1, 2025 and estimated completion – April 30, 2026
- Dates may change due to weather, supply chain issues and contractor availability.
- Birnam Excavating Ltd.
How will Construction Impact You?
For those living in or travelling through the construction area:
- Street Access and Parking: Local lane closures are expected during construction. Contractor parking will be present along Wynfield Gate from time to time.
- Vibration & Dust– Protect Valuables: Construction equipment can cause vibrations and dust. Please ensure you protect any valuables susceptible to damage, staff will monitor dust conditions and apply dust suppressants as required to minimize dust due to construction.
- Mail Services: Canada Post will continue to deliver mail during construction. Canada Post will provide further notification and instructions for residents that may be impacted. Staff will provide temporary mailboxes that are temporarily removed or impacted due to construction.
- Garbage and Recycling Collection: Garbage pick-up will have no impact during the construction phase of the project. If your pick-up point is temporarily blocked by construction during the watermain installation the contractor will assist in collecting and transporting your garbage and recycling.
- School Bus Stop: The municipality will work with the school bus line to have the bus pick up and drop off site relocated during the construction period. Notification will be provided to each resident at the appropriate time.
- Manicured Lawns: The contractor will restore all damaged manicured lawns that may result from the construction project. A mixture of seed and water will be applied by the municipality to affected locations. We encourage you to assist in the watering process.
- Sprinklers, Flower Beds, Invisible Fences, and Private Infrastructure: Residents are encouraged to remove any private infrastructure and items that may be inadvertently located in the municipal right of way. The contractor will not be responsible for or repair any private infrastructure damaged
- Water Shut-Off: Occasional water system shut-off may be required. Those properties affected by a planned shut-off will receive advance notice.
You can find more information on Middlesex Centre's municipal water system on the water section of the website.
Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this project as it progresses, please be in touch.
- If you have general questions, contact Eric Joudrey, Manager of Environmental Services for Middlesex Centre or Nolan McAuley, Project Manager for Birnam Excavating Ltd. (519-521-1942 or nolan@birnam.ca)
- If there is a construction-related emergency and there are no staff on-site to report it to, contact the Municipal Office at (519) 666-0190.
Thank you
Thank you for your patience and understanding while the municipality undertakes this important project to improve our drinking water system.
First posted March 11, 2025