Municipal Office Renovations

Municipal Office Renovation - Rendered Image Sept 2023

The municipal office is being renovated to better serve our growing community. 

Work on the project began in 2022 with technical design and procurement. In October 2023, the municipal office closed for renovations, with staff working out of different municipal buildings.

With the renovations nearing completion, staff will be moving back to the Coldstream office in April 2025. For more information about the office relocation, please see our "moving" notice.

About the Project

The municipal office, centrally located in Coldstream, was constructed in 1987, along with the Coldstream Community Centre to which it is connected. The original office expanded with an addition in 2003 (office only, not including the community centre).

The municipality is continuing to grow and this space no longer meets the needs of current (or future) operations.

Middlesex Centre is undertaking a two-year project to expand and renovate the municipal office to 21,000 ft2. Construction will see the following completed:

  • Phase 1 – Design
  • Phases 2 –  Construction - An addition of approximately 6,000 ft2 will be added in two parts. One will become the new home of the building, engineering and planning departments, and one part will see a new, larger Council Chambers.
  • Phase 3 – Renovation - This phase will also see some of the current interior space renovated to create more office space, meeting rooms and other updates. Phase 3 will overlap with the construction phase.

This project represents a significant long-term investment in the municipal office so that it will meet the needs of the staff, residents, and community today and into the future. Renovating the existing office space to meet today's building codes, accessibility standards and sustainable initiatives allows for the office to stay centrally located in the municipality.

Considerations for the Renovations

  • Be compliant with accessibility requirements.
  • Incorporate green energy and sustainable building practices - This project will look to incorporate green building practices where practicable in order to reduce the office's environmental footprint.
  • As needed, upgrade the existing building - The existing septic system will be reviewed, and the existing asphalt shingled roof and flat roof (which are approaching the end of their serviceable life) will be upgraded.
Building Design

The most recent design by The Ventin Group is attached below, and an image of the finished building is at the top of this page. These designs are subject to change.

Budget and Funding

The total project budget has been identified at $5.7 million. The project to be funded from the following areas:

  • $1,400,000 from the Building Department Reserve Fund;
  • $1,500,000 from the Build Middlesex Reserve Fund (proceeds of the Design for Happiness land sale);
  • $250,000 from the Administrative Support Reserve Fund; and
  • $2,566,689 from the Buildings and Facilities Reserve Fund.

As renovation costs will be covered by reserve funds, the project is expected to have little to no impact on the tax levy. More information on the project budget can be found in the February 15, 2023, report to Council.

Project Schedule

Staff anticipate the project will take 24 months from design to project completion. The project is to be completed as one overall project but in three distinct phases. This staged approach will minimize customer service disruption. 

We are currently in Phase 2 and 3. The renovations are nearing completion, and staff will be returning to the office in April 2025.

Phase 1 – Detailed Design and Engineering

Preparation of detail design drawings and required engineering

In the spring of 2022, municipal staff engaged with Wasylko Architects to prepare a feasibility study for the renovations/additions to the office. This work included:

  • Preparation of AutoCadd plans of existing
  • Meetings and interviews with staff
  • Design development and space analysis
  • Mechanical/electrical energy efficiency analysis
  • AutoCadd plans of conceptual design
  • Costs estimates

At their October 12, 2022, meeting, Middlesex Council awarded the architectural and engineering services contract to The Ventin Group. This step will see the final building design (for building permits), contract documents and contract administration.

The contract for the construction was circulated for tender over the summer of 2023. The results of the tender were presented to Council at their meeting on September 6, 2023, and the contract for construction was awarded to Tradition Construction Inc. at a cost of $5.13 million. 

Phase 2 – Construction of new Offices and Council Chambers

This phase will see the construction of a 6,050 ft (562 m2) addition in two parts:

  • one will become the new home of the building, engineering and planning departments, and
  • one part will see the construction of a new, larger Council Chambers.

The most recent design can be found below. 

This phase is expected to start in October 2023, and take 12 to 18 months. 

Phase 3 – Interior Renovations

This phase see the interior renovations to the existing building to create more offices and meeting space, a new entrance, a universal accessible washroom, and other improvements. It will overlap with the construction phase.

The most recent renovation design can be found below.

This phase is included in the project timeline of 12 to 18 months, started in October 2023. 


Municipal Services during Renovation

The municipal office in Coldstream will be re-opening April 1, 2025.

With the renovations wrapping up, staff will be moving back to the Coldstream office in April 2025.

  • Until March 31, services will be offered at the Komoka Wellness Centre from 8:30 am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday, excluding holidays.
  • Starting April 1, front desk services will return to the municipal office at 10227 Ilderton Road in Coldstream. After that date, we will no longer be taking bill payments at the Komoka Wellness Centre.
  • For more information about the office relocation, please see our "moving" notice.
Project Updates & Photos


On Oct. 4, 2023, Mayor DeViet and members of council were joined by the the architects, building engineers, construction team, and the staff team overseeing the renovations for a ground breaking ceremony.

Office Renovation 2023 Groundbreaking

Internal Demolition

Work on interior demolition began in October. Furniture and fixtures that are being re-used after the renovation are safely stored. Likewise, artwork, donor recognition plaques and other items of significance have been put aside for safe keeping. Fixtures that could not be reused in the new building were donated to Habitat for Humanity.

Interior of Municipal Office Demolition Fall 2023

Footings for Building Extension

Preparing the footings for the extension took began at the end of October.

Office Renovation 2023 - Digging External Footings

Removing the Old Council Chambers

The old council chambers were demolished on Nov. 9, 2023, making way for the new building extension to come.

Municipal Office Renovation - Old Council Chambers Removed Nov 9 2023


The additions are starting to take shape, with new structural steel framing being installed (May 16, 2024). 

Frame of new office


The additions are continuing to progress, with insulation being installed (July 17, 2024). 

Office Exterior

Exterior Renovations

The front facade is taking shape, with cladding and cement work nearing completion, with landscaping coming later in the spring. The Coldstream Community Centre also received a refresh during the renovations, including new windows to bring more natural light into the space  (March 7, 2025). 

Exterior - Municipal Office Renovation March 2025
Exterior - Windows in Coldstream Community Centre Renovations - March 2025

Interior Renovations

The interior renovations are progressing, with interior offices nearing completion, and the new council chambers taking shape (March 7, 2025). 

Office Renovation - Interior Office in Progress - March 2025
Office Renovation - Council Chamber Ceiling Install - March 7 2025



Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this project as it progresses, please be in touch. 

  • Middlesex Centre: Scott Mairs, Director of Community Services


Notice first posted September 22, 2022. 

The outside of the updated municipal office, shown at the top of the page, is subject to change.