Proposed Arva Subdivision - "Bridle Path"


Middlesex Centre is sharing this information on behalf of York Developments and in an effort to keep the community up-to-date about the plans for this site. At this time, no application has been made to the municipality regarding the subdivision. 


Proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision ("Bridle Path Subdivision") 

Community of Arva (West of Richmond Street at Medway Road)

York Developments is proposing a subdivision designed to accommodate a mix of residential housing forms including apartments, townhouses and single-detached houses, limited commercial/office development and parkland in the western portion of the community of Arva. The intent of this project is to establish a land use pattern that is compact in design, promotes housing choice and housing supply, and is connected with the surrounding community.

Map - Subject Lands
Map of the Subject Lands for the Arva (West of Richmond) Subdivision


Neighbourhood Open House - August 8, 2024

On August 8, 2024, York Developments hosted a Neighbourhood Open House to present details on a proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision designed to accommodate a mix of residential housing forms, limited commercial/office development and parkland in the western portion of the community of Arva. 

Preliminary development plans and information on the proposal were presented at the open house, and representatives of York Developments and its project consultants were in attendance to answer questions. 

The presentation boards from the meeting are attached at the bottom of this page.  You can find site plan maps, images of proposed builds, and other details on these presentation boards.

If you were unable to attend the Open House but wish comment, please contact Amber Sofijanov, Executive Assistant (MHBC Planning) at email:

Map: Proposed General Site Context as of August 8, 2024 (This is a proposed site layout and is subject to change.)

Bridle Path Subdivision Proposed Site Context Map Aug 8 2024
Next Steps in the Planning Process

York Developments intends to submit planning applications (including a Zoning Bylaw Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision) to advance this development proposal in the near-term. The applications will be considered by the Municipality of Middlesex Centre Council at a future public participation meeting. Information on the application will be advertised in accordance with the Planning Act, and will be available on the municipality’s website.

If you have questions about the planning process, please see the Planning Services webpage or contact Stephanie Bergman, Manager of Planning & Development for the Municipality of Middlesex Centre.


This page was first posted July 23, 2024.