Middlesex Centre is excited to announce a new partnership with Independent Living London and Area to offer craft and games workshops for individuals with disabilities and seniors.
With hunting season upon us: If you’re hunting, ensure that you abide by the all applicable legislation including Middlesex Centre’s Discharge of Firearms By-law that outlines restricted areas for no hunting.
Middlesex Centre Council is pleased to appoint Jean Coles as the new councillor for Ward 1, an area which includes the settlements of Ilderton, Birr and Denfield. Ms. Coles is expected to officially take her seat on council on November 20, 2024.
We hope you and your family will join us on the ice at the Komoka Wellness Centre and the Ilderton Arena. In addition to our regular program of shinny and public skating, we are excited to be able to offer free public skating on select dates thanks to local sponsors!